You may have lots of mp3 files and many of them are duplicates. To find and remove duplicate mp3, NoClone 4 does better. To uncover duplicate mp3, you can search by contents or by same file name. In version 4, you can search by comparing mp3 tags like song name and artist.

Search template Comment Comparison accuracy
Exact-content duplicate files Accurate, true duplicate files with same file content 100% Accurate
Same-name duplicate files Uncover more suspected duplicates, but content can be different in a large extent Low accuracy
Duplicate mp3 Compare mp3 tags like song name and artist regardless of file name and file contents Moderate

Smart marker: Some users requested to mark by bit rate using Smart marker, mark by bit rate is not implemented in v4.0 but soon. The work around solution is to mark by file size which implies different bit rate.

Some users like to define duplicates e.g. same file date and file name to uncover more duplicate but bear in mind that only true byte-by-byte comparison result in true duplicate (same file content).

Warning: Delete files at your own risk, you should review carefully to confirm files are really duplicate before removal.

Advanced user Only: You may consider using replace by NTFS hard link to recover disk space while keeping access to files.


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