Reasonable Spread 2.1


Reasonable Spread 2.1 was released with these exciting new features:

  1. Newsletter Archive
    It will be a good idea to let your customers, visitors and subscribers to see your past newsletters. So you can now publish your newsletter to newsletter archives and you can see them at Spread won't publish your newsletter by default, you have to enable publishing when send email campaign.
    To increase your search engine visibility, the more contents you have on the Internet, the more chance visitors reach you, so link to your own newsletter archive. You can find the URL of your newsletter archive at
  2. Forward
    To grow your email list, ask your subscribers to forward your email to their friends, relatives and colleagues. Every email sent by Spread will include forward link or you can emphasize more by inserting this code:
  3. Permission reminder
    People may forget you if you have not contacted them for some time, so it will be wise to remind why they receive your email.
    TODO: you have to modify the default permission reminder to fit your audience e.g. customers, subscribers, members. e.g. for members, you can say, "You received this email because you signed up as a member of ABC at {URL}."
  4. Export subscribers
    You can now export subscriber list by clicking menu Subscribers, Export .
  5. Enhanced campaign reporting
    * Bounce back message: You can now see bounce back message, why your emails cannot be delivered. Note: email address with hard bounces like "non-exist email address" will be deactivated instantly; emails address with soft bounces like "mailbox full" will be deactivated after 10 times.
    * Customize subscribers columns: you can see more details about subscribers in addition to email address for reports on open, clicks etc.
  6. Enhanced email list builder
    Grow your list by asking your web site visitors to subscribe your newsletter or when you contact you, join your events. To publish newsletter subscription box code, click menu Subscribers, Build Permission Email List.
  7. Import Outlook contacts
    Outlook contacts exported with default headers can now be imported into Spread directly.
  8. Deliverability
    We have joined ISIPP email accreditation programme to improve deliverability.
  9. Encoding
    Encoding of your emails will be auto-detected. However, if you need to specify the encoding you want, click menu My Account, Settings.
  10. Campaign Sent report
    When an email campaign was sent, a report will be sent to notify you.
  11. Help Centre
    Get help from our help centre at

Login Spread to try the new features. It is recommended to send emails to you subscribers at least once a month or you will be forgotten.



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