Reasonable Spread Customer Since:  June 2007

List size:  <2500

Open Rate: 30%

Favourite Feature: Report Tracking

Website: – Hong Kong online Store


MAGZILA.com麥師拉, operated by Magzila Limited, is a one-stop Hong Kong online retail store. is a real online shopping department store and her goal is to have new products update on a daily basis. The diversified products Magzila sells include general Christmas items, electronic toys, general Halloween items, Easter painted eggs, general house ware, gardening items, baby toys, dolls etc.



Switched email marketing tool to Spread


Magzila has been engaging in various channels including press releases, online advertising and exhibitions etc. Besides, before adoption of Spread, Magzila used her in-house email system to launch Email Marketing, but eventually Magzila has discarded her in-house email system and turned to Spread.

In the past, Magzila’s in-house email system could only generate limited email delivery statistics.  No statistics about open rate and click rate can be generated. Also, there was no unsubscribe link in the email. When receivers want to unsubscribe, they need to send an email to Magzila and it involved human efforts for Magzila to remove the email as well.


To enhance the effectiveness of Email Marketing, Magzila met Reasonable Spread on search engine. She then replaced the existing email system with Spread.



Report Tracking – very useful feature for marketing solutions


The most important reason that Magzila turned to Spread was the report tracking feature of Spread. It illustrates the statistics of email delivery, including email sent, opens, clicks, bounces, spam report and unsubscribed. With these statistics, Magzila can evaluate, adjust and plan her marketing solutions. For example, the open rate and clicks rate suggest what kind of contents or products appeal receivers more, when receivers tend to open the emails, etc. Magzila believes this is a very useful feature.



Newsletter Archive – enable visitors to view newsletter


Another feature that Magzila uses often is publishing to News Archive. This feature enables Magzila to publish all the newsletters to search engine and increase the visibility in the internet.