It's no secret.  If you ever intend to make serious
profits online you need to grow a qualified opt-in list.
For just 7 bucks I can show you how anyone can
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Check out the details here:

Wishing You Success!
Peter Deane

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Contact Info -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
82 Newark Pompton Turnpike
Riverdale, NJ 07457
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Delivery Schedule =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Ezine Delivery Schedule: I don't have a set day
that I send  out my ezine. I try and space out my
ezine but sometimes its important to pass along
the information right away.
This might mean you will get several separate emails
in the same day or you might only get one email a week.
I think that the topics of the ezine should be separate
to make it easier for my subscribers to sort through
what is important to them or not. This is the reason
for the separate emails
If you feel I send you to many emails please
forgive me for this and feel free to use my
unsubscribe thats available in every email.
We can part friends and you are always welcome
to rejoin at a later time. I mean this in the most
sincere way.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Unsubscribe Info -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
To no longer receive this ezine: