AMAZING Valentine’s Day Sales!
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Happy White Valentine's Day! $50 Cash Coupon Reward   三月份及白色情人節驚喜優惠!
回贈 $50現金券
$50 Cash coupon REWARD 

惠顧滿$550或以上,即時回贈"$50元 SOGO或PARKnSHOP現金劵"。而海外客戶訂購則會獲得"$50 2000Flower現金劵"。

14 March White Valentine's Day is coming!
March Special: We have an upcoming March promotion which includes a "SOGO or PARKnSHOP cash coupon of HK$50 dollars" for any order of HK$550 or above spent on our website in March. For overseas customers, "$50 2000Flower Cash Coupon" is given instead.

Referrals Scheme

推薦優惠計劃: 每一位舊客戶成功推薦一位新顧客購物滿$550,即可享有$50元PARKnSHOP/STARBUCKS現金劵,推薦朋友愈多,現金劵愈多! 海外客戶則會獲得$50 2000Flower現金劵。新顧客購物更可免費擁有RUSS/ Harrods熊公仔一隻及於下次購物享有2000Flower $50元折扣優惠。
Referral Scheme: Regular customers will also be awarded a SOGO/PARKnSHOP. Cash Coupon of HK$50 if they refer a new customer to shop $550 or above from us successfully. For overseas customers, $50 2000Flower Cash Coupon is given instead. “New Referrals” will get a FREE RUSS Teddy Bear and a $50 2000Flower Cash Coupon for next purchase!

備註 Remarks:

  1. 敬請新顧客必須於落單時註明舊客戶姓名,如新客戶沒有註明,現金劵將不會後補予舊客戶,以免日後引起爭議。
  2. $50 2000Flower現金劵只限於購物滿$550。(有效期一年及不適用於特價貸品。)
  1. ‘New referrals’ MUST state the name of our regular customers when ordering in order to avoid conflicts in the future. Cash coupon won’t be given thereafter if ‘New referrals’ haven’t stated the name of our regular customers when ordering.
  2. $50 2000Flower Cash Coupon is only valid for purchase on or above $550. (Valid for one year and not applicable for discounted products)

Brand new wedding bouquet, corsage and decoration sections are coming soon!
密切留意: 全新婚禮花束,襟花和佈置優惠套餐(枱花、蛋糕花、背景花等等)三月中即將推出。 

>> 詳情

Coming soon: Brand new wedding bouquet, corsage and decoration plan (including reception flower, wedding cake flower and backdrop flower etc.) sections are coming in Mid-March! 

>> Details

Floral introductory course

花藝入門綜合基礎課程: 現加開花藝興趣課程,為對花藝有興趣的顧客(歡迎物業管理公司/人事部)提供消閒,親子活動及員工福利,並推廣插花藝術。另定期舉辦特色花藝工作坊,彈性上課時間,大部份課程每星期均開設新班,歡迎致電2575 8899查詢,價錢可議。

Floral introductory course: We now open floral interest courses to interested customers (especially property management agent and personnel) 
and promote floral art. Floral workshops are held regularly and with flexibility. Most of the courses are opening new classes every week, please call 2575 8899 for enquiry, price negotiable. 


Monthly Package Free Trial Offer


>> 詳情

Also there will be a monthly or weekly special package for customers who order for reception area, lobby, meeting rooms etc. (New customers have free trial for their first time package, especially for corporate customers, administration and personnel department, please contact 2575 8899 for more information.) 

>> Details


歡迎瀏覽 2000 Flower 網頁查看 2000 Flower 鮮花果籃。
Please visit for the latest flowers and hampers.
查詢電話 Enquiry:+852 2575 8899