New in the Line-up Warehouse Sale!
The Famous "Astra Fairway Platinum" netted polo Shirt.
Seen in Wall Street Journal as the best sun cover up shirt for women golfers. We just got in stock. Made from double mercerized jersey fabric our cool netting and treated with SPF, this polo is great for these sunny fall days.
This is one of the nicest items we've ever had in our sale.
Beautiful fabric and make!
Regular Price $95, our price just $35!
And as an extra special bonus, if you pay in Cash, we'll pay your tax!
The Line-up for Sport Warehouse Sale is now open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9:00 to 3:00. Address is 14312 Chambers Road, Tustin CA. Phone 714-669-9880 ext. 304.
Call Ellen 800-654-6773 ext. 304
We've added another day to the warehouse sale.
We're now open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9:00 to 3:00.
