you for attending Present with Impact!
on July 20th. Gabor and I
enjoyed your active participation and invaluable feedback. Many
of you were very keen on attending the 2 day Present with Impact! Workshop on August 2nd and 3rd. Great
- you will learn many more speaking and presentation tips and tools and most
importantly, you’ll have the chance to immediately practice your skills during
the workshop and get feedback from the coaches.
After two days with us, you will undoubtedly Present with Impact! And
remember, there are early bird and group discounts to enjoy so hurry up and book your slot now!
Attached below this email is our training schedule for the next few months and please take a look at how these courses can help you get ahead in your career, or in life! Our associate, Jenny Hu, is available to answer your queries and reserve your place for the August Present with Impact! Workshop. You can reach her at 1376 4603 503.
Dream It . Live It
Rev |
Training and Coaching
P.S. Due to a technical problem with our US-based
web server, the Rev | Training and Coaching email system and website are
temporarily disabled. You can still
reach us at these email addresses:
P.P.S. You can find out about our companies and how
we can be of further service to you by visiting our websites at:
(Explorer3 Life is the parent
company of Rev | Training and Coaching)
P.P.P.S. Due
to the overwhelming response to the talk on 20th July where we had
to turn away would be participants, we are happy to announce another Present
with Impact! mini-workshop on 27th July from 7 to 9pm. Tell your friends about it!
REV|TC Schedule:
Join us for
another fun and fulfilling session, where you can
uncover your hidden potential
and discover the
path to
Dream It . Live It
Who will benefit from attending this
27 July
Present with Impact! Workshop
Trainers: Gabor Holch & Ailing Wang
Present powerfully and influence your
boss or prospective clients
Anyone who
needs to speak and present with impact
Telecom Building, 500 Jiangsu Road
2 - 3 Aug
Present with Impact! Workshop
Trainers: Gabor Holch & Ailing Wang
Present powerfully and influence your
boss or prospective clients
Anyone who
needs to speak and present with impact
China Telecom Building, 500 Jiangsu
7 Aug
7pm - 9pm
Service Boot Camp Workshop
Trainers: AIling Wang & Jeff Tan
How to instill a service mentality in
your company that will attract and retain your clients!
Managers who need to develop or
improve the service standards of their company
Haworth Center
9 -10Aug
9am - 5pm
Managing the Complex Sale
Trainers: CJ Ng & Ailing Wang
How to sell anything to anyone
Sales persons keen on maintaining
their edge as sales professionals
Huarong Hotel, 1271, South Pudong
30 - 31 Aug
9am - 5pm
Service Boot Camp
Trainers: AIling Wang & Jeff Tan
How to instill a service mentality in
your company that will attract and retain your clients!
and staff in the service industry
Telecom Building, 500 Jiangsu Road
13 - 14 Sept
9am - 5pm
Cross-Culture Training
"Peeling Your Onions"
Trainers: Leah Stickley & Ailing Wang
Learn how to work in a multi-cultural
environment and leverage off the different cultural habits of each other
and staff who work in a multicultural environment
Telecom Building, 500 Jiangsu Road
Please contact Jenny
Hu at 5228 0930 or HP:137 6460 3503 for more details!

REV 1033 Kang Ding Road Unit 309, Shanghai, China