Hello and Happy New Year!
Katterwall had a great December – our 'Community Christmas Carols' in Lan
Kwai Fong raised $10,000 for Operation Santa Claus, 'A Kassia Christmas Carol'
narrated by Michael Harley was warmly received at the Sheung Wan Civic Centre,
'Singing Santas' raised both money and awareness for Operation Santa Claus in
Central and Wanchai and Hullaballoo and students were invited to record for
RTHK Radio 3’s new programme 'Sunday Smile' – listen out for them every Sunday
January brings a new set of rehearsals for Kassia Choirs: the men will
be getting bluesy with 'Walkin' In Memphis’ in March, the women will be
celebrating the wonderful world of musical theatre with 'Broadway Babes and
West End Girls' in April and Hullaballoo will be preparing for their next big
outing, performing a ‘Muppet Medley’ as part of ‘Raising The Roof 2009’ in
And it's time for hellos and goodbyes at Katterwall. Goodbye and thank
you to Matthew Hale who will be leaving Katterwall at CNY and hello and welcome
to two new teachers, Amy Jorrisch and Natalie Lipin, who will be bringing their
expertise and passion to Katterwall in the new year.
final thing, if you're 'Facebook enabled', why not become a Kassia and
Katterwall Fan to keep up-to-date with what's going on.
Here's to a great 2009!
Yours |
Director, Katterwall
MEET... Wingo Chan
Stage Manager for many of Kassia's most recent shows
Katterwall: What is your background?
I am a graduate of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in Stage
Management. I've worked with quite a
number of different organisations for events, theatre productions and
music/orchestra concerts locally and internationally.
K: How did you get involved with Katterwall?
I was introduced by my previous workmates. I started to learn about Katterwall,
Bethan and Celia, and the choirs which impressed me a lot when I first met
everyone in the rehearsal!
K: How many shows have you done with
Katterwall and which is your most memorable / favourite / challenging one?
I've worked on five shows with Katterwall, the first one was the 5th year
anniversary celebration in December 2007 'Peace Train'! The most
challenging one was the most recent one 'A Kassia Christmas Carol' we had more
different technical requirements compare with all previous concerts, I was
quite tense the first night at the beginning, it worked out pretty well.
However at the end of the encore....oh I forgot to call the SNOW out... [That's
OK Wingo, we got it the 2nd night! - Bethan]
Is there anything about Kassia Choir shows
that you find different from other choral shows?
I can see the passion and the energy from everyone. I especially love the
women's choir, I can strongly feel the trust between the choir and Bethan, the
rehearsals are full of fun and happy every time!
K: What other shows are you working on at the
I will be working on a multi-media music show presented by Arts Centre with
some New York Artists, also a children's play ‘The Grufallo’ from a London
theatre company this coming February.
2008 Katterwall Retrospective
It was a great year...
Feelin' Groovy / Kassia Men's
In Training / Kassia Youth Choir
Term Show / Hullaballoo
Rugby Sevens / Soho Collective
Ain't No Motown High Enough / Kassia Women's Choir
The First Five Years CD / Kassia Women's Choir
The Groove / Soho Collective
The First Five Years
/ Kassia Women's Choir
Korea To Coldplay
/ Kassia Youth Choir
Term Show / Hullaballoo
To Ride / Soho Collective
Summer Fling 2008 / Kassia Choirs
Summer Fling 2008 Reprise / Kassia Choirs
Autumn Term Show / Hullaballoo
Community Christmas Carols / Katterwall & Friends
Kassia Christmas Carol / Kassia Choirs
Term Show / Hullaballoo
‘Sunday Smile’ Launch / Hullaballoo
Santas / Soho Collective
Thought for the
day... |
A song will outlive
all sermons in the memory.
Henry Giles
On another note...
Transposition n. The act of moving the relative pitch of a
piece of music that is too low for the basses to a point at which it is too
high for the sopranos.
Tongue Twister...
free throws
What's on your iPod?
Ashley Cooper, singing student
My Choice:
'Dance 2night'
/ Album:
Madonna 'Hard Candy'
song is a big ‘feel good’ choone that (I feel) reflects the rest of Madonna's
latest album, Hard Candy. All the songs have an interesting blend of genres
going on - from R&B beats to electro synths, with large vocal contributions
from Justin Timberlake & Kanye West. It's another great release from
Madonna, and really reflects the diversity in all her music, there's something
for everyone! However, I will admit, give it a chance...this one needs a little
getting used to!
'The First Five Years' on iTunes
Katterwall Ltd. Tel: +852 2575 3931
Fax: +852 2542 2442
Rm 805, Arion Commercial Centre,
2-12 Queen's Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong