Kung Hei Fat Choi!
We're back into the swing of things at Katterwall after the Christmas and Lunar New Year breaks. Rehearsals for our upcoming Kassia shows are going well with the shows "Walkin' in Memphis" and "Broadway Babes and West End Girls" coming together nicely.
I'm actually planning way ahead at the moment with my mind turning to “Raising The Roof 2009” in June which will feature, amongst other things, Kassia Women's Choir in a medley of hits from the 80's and Kassia Men's Chorus dedicating their set to the music of the Beatles... to be completely honest, I've been thinking even further ahead than that with Summer Fling possibles and titles for next Christmas... all in good time!!
The studio is as busy as ever with five teachers working with a whole host of students. See below for an interview with Natalie Lipin, one of our newest recruits to the Katterwall team (and interestingly one of my first ever singing students from way back when!).
Yours |
Director, Katterwall
MEET... Natalie Lipin
Singing Teacher
Katterwall: How did you know about Katterwall?
Natalie: Bethan was my first ever teacher when I was at school in Hong Kong. When I arrived back in town a few months ago, I looked her up and found out that during the 6 years I was gone she'd been pretty busy creating her very own company! Go Bethan!
K: What is your training background?
N: I started out with Guildhall acting exams and Speech Festival competitions during school, went on to train as a dancer intensively for 7 years at Jean Wong School of Ballet, and subsequently moved to England where, alongside my A Levels, I studied Musical Theatre at a specialist Performing Arts school for two years. I then went on to specialise in Vocal Performance at the University of Birmingham and have since been studying with a series of top vocalists in the profession.
K: Why do you like teaching?
N: I simply get a thrill from helping people enjoy and feel confident about using their voice. After studying for years with so many different experts and gaining a solid understanding of the voice and performance, I feel I can offer a lot to students of all levels and ages.
K: Please share with us your best performing memory.
N: I would have to say - singing a cappella with a cast of 5 on the Royal Mile during the 2004 Edinburgh Festival - we were promoting our Musical Revue performance of 'A... My Name is Alice'. We got loads of attention and filled up audiences because of our harmonies!
K: What are you hobbies other than singing?
N: I love love love to dance - any style whatsoever. I enjoy reading, going to the theatre and watching classic films. And when the weather permits, I swim for fitness!
K: Who are your favourite singer(s)?
N: To name a few, and in no particular order: Stevie Wonder, Frank Sinatra, Etta James, James Taylor, Eric Clapton, Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel. I could go on - there are just too many greats to choose from.
Natalie is teaching in the Katterwall studio now. To enquire about lessons with our teachers, please contact celia@katterwall.com.
IN FOCUS: Vocal health for singers
We often get asked about how to keep a healthy voice. Here are a few tips to get you started*:
Don't clear your throat. Learn to swallow.
Keep your mouth closed when you're not talking. Walking along the street. Working on a computer. Watching TV etc.
Try not to sleep with the air con on all night - they dry you up (harder to do in a few months time!).
If the air's been too dry, use a facial steamer.
Learn that you can talk a lot quieter in noisy places and people can still hear you. Try it. It's amazing how much more quietly you can speak and still be heard.
Don't smoke. Nuff said. And try to avoid smoky places.
Drink lots of warm / room temperature water.
* Please note this is advice only and not intended to take the place of medical expertise.
Thought for the day... |
If you look deep enough you will see music; the heart of nature being everywhere music.
Thomas Carlyle
On another note... |
Guitarist: Doctor, doctor. I've broken a string.
Doctor: You musn't fret.
Tongue Twister... |
The big black bug bit the big black bear and made the big black bear bleed black blood.
What's on your iPod? |
Bethan Greaves
My Choice: "The Simple Joys of Maidenhood"
Artist / Album: Frederick Loewe, Original Soundtrack "Camelot"
Who can resist lyrics such as "Shall I not be on a pedestal, worshipped and competed for? Not be carried off, or better still, cause a little war?" or "Shall a feud not begin for me? Shall kith not kill their kin for me? Oh where are the trivial joys? Harmless, convivial joys?". Genevieve is such a wonderful character and in the original soundtrack she's sung by Vanessa Redgrave, who has a light, innocent voice that touches me every time I listen.
'The First Five Years' on iTunes |
Katterwall Ltd. Tel: +852 2575 3931 Fax: +852 2542 2442
Rm 805, Arion Commercial Centre, 2-12 Queen's Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong