Katterwall Newsletter
This month, don't miss “Soul Sister 2” with Kassia Women's Choir at St. John's Cathedral,
Central and the beautiful St. Mary's Church, Causeway Bay. See "In Focus" below for more details.
March is a busy month for Katterwall! Auditions start for Kassia Women's Choir's next term “A
Night At The Movies”, Kassia Men's Chorus meets for “Back To Broadway” (there's still time to join!), Soho Collective will
be performing for the sixth consecutive year as part of the HK Literary Festival event at St. John's Cathedral on the
14th, Kassia Women's Choir will be singing at the HK Rugby Sevens on Saturday 27th, Kassia Women's Choir "Easter Chamber Choir" will start on 31st and for Easter singing courses for kids, please contact Celia.
Looking even further ahead, April will see us launch our “Random Band” on the17th. This is
something that's purely for fun: a one-off rehearsal to bash through some good old band stuff (think “Star Wars” theme)
simply for the fun of it. No audition. No performance. Just a band rehearsal. So, if you used to
play in a wind band, marching band or orchestra to an OK standard and fancy having another go, drop me a line!
Here's to a very musical March!

Director, Katterwall
MEET: Clio Marden, Singing student with Andrew (Year 11, CIS)
Katterwall: How long have you had singing lessons?
Clio: I started having twice weekly lessons with Andrew in October 2009 focussing on
musical theatre. This is the first time I have ever had any formal vocal training, previously I have only sung with
friends casually or in band.
K: What performing experience do you have?
C: I perform a lot with HK Youth Arts Foundation, mainly dance shows - URBAN Dance
Festival, Arts in the Park etc. I have also performed in musicals at my school.
K: Why did you start having singing lessons?
C: I discovered a performing arts school in the UK that I wanted to audition for. I
saw that they had musical theatre, drama and dance courses but if I wanted to get onto their musical theatre course I would
need to have formal singing training. A friend of mine Natalie Lipin [Ed- previously a part-time teacher with Katterwall
who is currently working as a performer at Universal Studio, Singapore] recommended Katterwall to me.
K: We were very pleased to hear that your audition was successful. Can you
share your experience with us?
C: It was terrifying, I have never been so nervous before! I went with my mum but she
was just as nervous as me. I walked into a huge room, just like in the movies with four intimidating people sitting
behind a huge desk. I took one look at them and my insides turned to jelly. I then remembered what Andrew told me “ This
is something you love to do; you shouldn't let your anxiety take over that.” So I began my first song and started to feel
slightly more relaxed. After the audition, I had a meeting with the Principal and was offered a place on both the drama
and musical theatre courses. I was so excited and couldn't speak for 10 mins, then I started squealing - like a pig!
Clio will be starting her musical theatre course at Tring, UK in September.
IN FOCUS: Soul Sister 2 with Kassia Women's Choir
We reprise a favourite Kassia Women's Choir show this month and discover a beautiful
new venue to sing in, St. Mary's Church, Causeway Bay.
Soul Sister 2 features many powerful gospel and spiritual numbers including:
This Little Light Of Mine
Bridge Over Troubled Water (as featured in Raising The Roof 2007)
Feel Good (featured on Kassia Women's Choir's CD 'The First Five Years')
The Storm Is Passing Over
Joyful, Joyful (as seen in Sister Act 2)
There will be a retiring collection for the Hong Kong Refugee Advice Centre, the only dedicated provider of pro
bono legal aid to refugees which strives to ensure that all refugees in Hong Kong have access to high-quality legal
aid, fair refugee status determination procedures, and human rights so that they can begin to rebuild their lives.
Tickets are $200 each and available from the Katterwall office and choir members.
Ages 4+ are welcome.
Please click here to see highlights of our first Soul Sister show from 2004.
What |
14th March |
Soho Collective
@ HK Literary Festival, St. John's Cathedral, 7pm |
18th March onwards |
Auditions for Kassia
Women's Choir “A Night At The Movies”
Contact Fani for audition
23rd March |
Soul Sister 2, Kassia
Women's Choir
@ St. Mary's Church, Causeway Bay, 8pm |
24th March |
Soul Sister 2, Kassia
Women's Choir
@ St. John's Cathedral, Central, 8pm |
27th March
Soul Sister 2
@ HK Rugby Sevens
31st March |
Easter Chamber Choir
@Katterwall studio |
9th April |
Easter Chamber Choir
@Delaney's, Wanchai |
17th April |
Random Band Island School,
2 - 4pm
Contact Bethan for more details |
Tongue Twister...
Seventy seven benevolent elephants
On another note...
People are wrong when they say opera is not what it used to be. It is what it
used to be. That is what is wrong with it.
- Noel Coward
"The First Five Years" on iTunes
CD available at :
Katterwall rehearsal studio
Suitable for choir and drama rehearsals,
workshops, and masterclasses
Area: Around 300 sq foot
Facilities: Wall mirrors, piano and video/audio system
Katterwall Ltd. Tel: +852 2575 3931 Fax: +852 2542 2442
Room 806, Arion Commercial Centre, 2-12 Queen's Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
For general enquiries, please contact Celia Leung at info@katterwall.com