Katterwall Newsletter
This week is the start of a new term for Katterwall's singing lessons, groups and choirs. Kassia Women's Choir begin their exploration of songs from the silver screen in preparation for 'A Night At The Movies' in June whilst Kassia Men's Chorus are putting the final touches to their 'Back To Broadway' set.
Soho Collective and Kassia Women's Choir appeared at the HK Rugby 7s before Easter which was good fun all round. (On a personal note, I was glad to finally get to sing my Samoan in public!)
The Random Band (as featured in the SCMP last week), has had to be rescheduled to a later date in May. So, there's still time to book a seat for what will be a purely for fun, one-off rehearsal to bash through some good old wind band music (but strings are very much invited!). If you used to play in a wind band, marching band or orchestra to an OK standard and fancy having another go, sign up here - it really is a case of the more the merrier.
We will be announcing the details for this years Summer Flings soon... Yes, you read correctly, there will be two Flings this summer (end June to mid July and mid August to start September). If you're going to be around over the hot months and fancy singing some light classics (including numbers from 'Glee'), drop us a line!

Director, Katterwall
IN FOCUS: Intensive Musical Theatre Course for 12 – 18 year olds this Summer (9th - 18th August)
This summer, Katterwall will be running an intensive musical theatre course for 12 – 18 year olds who are interested in immersing themselves in this most wonderful of art forms [OK, I'm biased... So sue me!].
Lead by our resident MT specialist, Andrew Swift, the course will involve acting, singing and movement together with an afternoon of prop making at Chameleon Workshop.
More details to come soon, but in the meantime if you would like to be added to the list to be first in the know, please drop us a line.
IN FOCUS: Vocal Health for Singers 101
It that time of year when voice related illnesses seems to rear their ugly head so here are some tips for keeping a healthy voice *:
- Keep your mouth closed when you're not talking (Walking along the street. Working on a computer. Watching TV etc.)
- Try not to sleep with the air con on all night - they dry you up
- Don't clear your throat. Learn to swallow.
- Don't rely on throat sweets, especially ones that numb - they can dry you out
- Use a facial steamer to lubricate your throat.
- Learn that you can talk a lot quieter in noisy places and people can still hear you. Try it. It's amazing how much more quietly you can speak and still be heard.
- Don't smoke. Nuff said.
- Drink lots of warm / room temperature water (try for 2 litres a day)
- Sleep.
* please note this is advice only and not intended to take the place of medical expertise.
What |
14th April |
A Night at the Movies with Kassia Women's Choir
Rehearsals begin.
24th April
Soho Collective's 'Michael Jackson' tribute
@ French International School Fair, 12.30pm
29th May
Katterwall Vocal Academy Student Recital |
1st June
Back to Broadway with Kassia Men's Chorus
@ Rockschool, Wanchai
Tickets will be available in May.
11th June
Katterwall Vocal Academy Adult Student Recital |
20th June
Choral Evensong conducted by Bethan Greaves
@ St. John's Cathedral
21st - 22nd June
A Night at the Movies with Kassia Women's Choir
@ Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre
Tickets are available from mid-May from URBTIX.
25th June
Summer Fling #1 starts.
Tongue Twister...
Six twin screwed steel steam cruisers.
On another note...
Too many pieces [of music] finish too long after the end.
- Igor Stravinsky
"The First Five Years" on iTunes
CD available at :
Katterwall rehearsal studio
Suitable for choir and drama rehearsals,
workshops, and masterclasses
Area: Around 300 sq foot
Facilities: Wall mirrors, piano and video/audio system
Katterwall Ltd. Tel: +852 2575 3931 Fax: +852 2542 2442
Room 806, Arion Commercial Centre, 2-12 Queen's Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter
For general enquiries, please email info@katterwall.com