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HKFA 360°

HKFA - Job Vacancy

Dear Coaches
The Hong Kong Football Association Ltd. is currently looking for a Grassroots Football Manager via an open recruitment exercise.  You can find the job advertisement with details of the job description and position requirements for your information and consideration.
The introduction of potential and suitable candidates out of the people whom you know are welcome. Interested persons shall apply for the post by following the procedures as specified in the job advertisement.
Human Resources Section
各位足球教練 :
香港足球總會現在公開招聘草根足球經理一職位 , 有關此職位之招聘廣告 , 工作性質及要求可以瀏覽本會招聘廣告。本會亦歡迎你們引薦你所認識之合適人仕申請 , 敬請所有申請者依照招聘廣告內指定的程序申請此職位。
You are receiving this email because your personal data has been voluntarily provided by you previously and the supply of your personal data represented your agreement that the Association can retain and use your personal data to provide you with the related information (e.g. communications of football development, promotion of activities and tournaments, job opportunities of the HKFA or information of other football clubs, etc.) and such news or information will be delivered to you from time to time until you indicate us your objection for utilizing your personal data for the above purposes.
If you do not wish the HKFA to provide you with the job openings information, please notify us by contacting our HR Section at hr@hkfa.com. If you do not wish to receive all news from the HKFA in future, you can unsubscribe us.
備註 :
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若你日後不希望收到有關本會職位空缺之訊息 , 請透過電子郵件予hr@hkfa.com通知本會人力資源組。如閣下日後不希望收到本會所有資訊 , 請點擊取消訂閱。
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電話 :(852)2712 9122  傳真 : (852)2768 8825  電郵 : hkfa@hkfa.com (一般查詢)