Dear Readers,
We hope most of you enjoyed the celebrations for both Germany's and China's National days. Welcome to the October 2010 edition of Fiducia's CHINA FOCUS. This issue covers a range of topics which we hope you will find informative and valuable for your business aspirations and endeavours.
Executive Interview Series with 'China Industry Captains'
China Focus launches a mini-series of interviews with senior executives of top foreign companies in China. They share their joys and woes of managing China operations and businesses. This issue we have Mr. Klaus Hartig of Fuchs Petrolub AG- the world's largest manufacturer of lubricants.
Uncovering Corporate Mysteries Part II of III:
Comparison of 2 Types of Branch Offices
(light vs. full)
If a Wholly Foreign Owned Company (WFOE) wants to expand its physical presence in China, there are two possibilities. China Focus offers insights on the Pros & Cons of the two types of offices.

China VAT Update: Circular 57 – Export VAT Refund revoked for 406 items In Junes 2010, the Chinese Government announced an elimination of Export VAT Refund for certain items. China Focus evaluates the implications of the new adjustment and analyses the bigger picture. ► Read more
The China Sourcing Information Center
Fiducia is pleased to announce our new knowledge partner: The China Sourcing Information Center (CSIC). The CSIC is an independent information resource that provides a plethora of China sourcing-focused advice and valuable tips. China Focus offers a detailed review.
Fiducia in the News
Fiducia has been collaborating with major media sources for a number of years, including Financial Times, The Economist and Asia Bridge to name a few. All of Fiducia's external media contributions since 2006 can be accessed and downloaded on our website www.fiducia-china.com. ► Read more |
Fiducia Photo Gallery
We would like to share with you photos from our events, both business and social. This month, we take a look at the BME Sourcing Conference 2010 and Oktoberfest celebrations in Shanghai.
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Please contact the Editor at contact@fiducia-china.com to reprint any CHINA FOCUS content.
Best Regards,
Your Fiducia Team
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