Nissiwood microthin wood veneers are exclusively fashioned out of wood and has an unending possibilities of use totally different from the traditional uses of wood veneer. Among the many substrates used in the printing industry, microthin wood veneers have conquered the minds of the elite. The main area of usage for Nissiwood microthin wood veneers are for printing purposes to produce a unique and classy product different from paper and other printing surfaces. Uses are unending from Microthin Printed wood business cards, Perfumed business cards, Micro thin plywood, Microthin paperback veneers, Microthin adhesive back veneer sticker, Microthin paperback veneer rolls, bookmarks, corporate brochures and dossiers and for uses for inlays, marquetries and to produce works of art in the hands of talented craftsmen, architects and interior decorators. Etc. The technology developed enables us to to produce different microthin products as thin as single ply 0.2 mm sheets to three ply micro thin plywood sheets of 0.4 mm thickness. Nissiwood also supplies veneer and species can be seen in http://www.nissiwood.com . 
3:54:44 PM
Thursday, December 13, 2007