Reasonable Spread

Dear Steve,


We have reviewed your application for open account terms,and at this time are unable to open an account for yourcompany. Should circumstances change in the future, pleasefeel free to resubmit an application.

We value your business, and hope to keep you as a customer.As a cash customer you will be advised of all special sales,and we know that you will find our prices and servicescompetitive enough to allow us to continue serving you.

If you have any questions about this decision, or if I may be of any help in any way with regard to your dealings with our company, please contact me at the above office.


Mary Trips
Aug 30, 2006

Reasonable Spread


Smark Global (Holdings) Limited
Unit 1911-12, Sterling Centre,, 11 Cheung Yue Street, Lai Chi Kok,, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: 2741 4322 Fax: 2370 4522 Website: