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Greetings! It was a pleasure meeting you at BNI Visitor Day on 22 May.


Taking this opportunity. I would like to introduce my company, Smark Global, you could download our company brochure for your consideration in future IT solutions including email, software, systems, web design & applications.


Here is the link to download a selection of our brochure which might be of interest of you:



Our professional team is committed to providing IT services in the following scope:

-          IT System Management

-          Information Security

-          Email & Network Security

-          System Implementation

-          Website Content Management

-          E-business Applications

-          ERP System

-          CRM System


Part of our clients’ reference

-          Hospital Authority

-          Chinese University of Hong Kong

-          Po Leung Kuk

-          Pacific Andes Group

-          Cite de Louvre

-          The Outdoor Shop


We look forward to potentially working with you and would be happy to provide quotations for any of your upcoming project needs!

2009年5月30日,我們將於香港會議展覽中心「創業進修日」裡設置攤位,我們誠邀 閣下蒞臨參觀。
時我們將會介紹全新的博比亞營商易網站MOSES Net及營運系統營商易MOSES,為有興趣創業人士或剛剛開業的中小企,解究如何以低成本高效率經營,戰勝金融風暴,成為逆市奇葩。
們很珍惜每次與 閣下的見面機會,藉此機會,我們誠邀 閣下蒞臨參觀。
我們的攤位位於Hall 1E,攤位號碼為 SU68

展覽日期: 2009年5月30日
開放時間: 上午10:00 至下午6:00
地點: 香港會議展覽中心展館 1E
展位編號: SU 68
論壇時間及題目: 下午4:50-5:05「如何善用企業管理軟件於逆市中成功突圍創業」


Smark Global (Holdings) Limited


Smark Global (Holdings) Ltd.

Tel: (852) 2741 4322
Fax: (852) 2370 4522
Email: info@smarkglobal.com
Website: http://www.smarkglobal.com
Address: Rm A1, 7/F, Chou Chong Commercial Bldg., 422-428 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, H.K.