- 網上商店平台 MOSES Net
- 零售管理系統 MOSES POS
- 企業資源管理系統 營商易 MOSES
- 資訊監控系統 IP-guard
- 資料保安系統 e-locker
- 網絡安全及監控系統 GFI
客戶關係管理系統 Microsoft Dynamics CRM
- 各項IT支援服務
* 即場送Kaspersky防毒軟件及其他折扣優惠
我們很珍惜每次與 閣下的見面機會,藉此,誠邀 閣下蒞臨參觀。
我們的展位位於Hall 1D,攤位號碼為 1DD13。

World SME Expo 2009
(3 to 5 December 2009)
Smark Global cordially invite you to visit our booth in the World SME Expo 2009 at Hong Kong Conventional and Exhibition Centre. We will share the top tips for developing online empire beyond traditional online shop. You are welcome to our presentation to get well prepared for the economy recovery.
Exhibition Date: December 3-5, 2009 (Thu – Sat)
Opening Hours: December 3-4, 9:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; December 5, 9:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Venue: Hall 1D, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Booth Number: 1DD13
Date: December 5, 2009 (Sat)
Time: 11:45am - 12:15noon
Topic: Top Tips For Economy Recovery - Develop Your Business Empire Online Beyond Traditional Online Shop
We will show and demonstrate the below products and services in the exhibition:
MOSES Net – Online Shop Platform
MOSES POS – Retail Management System
MOSES - ERP System
IP-guard - Information Security System
e-locker – Data Security System
GFI – Network Security
Kaspersky – Anti-virus Software
Microsoft Dynamics CRM – Customer Relationship Management System
* FREE Kaspersky anti-virus disc & other on-site discounts
We invite you to visit us in the Expo at booth 1DD13 in Hall 1D.
Please press the below button for pre-registration of FREE ADMISSION.