7 Days to Hong Kong 3D Film New Action
International Experts are sharing experiences
Hong Kong Film Development Council and Hong Kong Association of Motion Picture Post Production Professionals (AMP4) are organizing a series of activities during “FILMART 2010” with the theme of “Hong Kong 3D Film New Action” from 22 March to 25 March. The series of activities include “Hong Kong 3D Film New Action Pavilion” ,“Hong Kong Motion Picture Post Production Pavilion” , “Asia Visual Effects & Digital Film Making Summit 2010”, “3D Movie Workshop”, “Motion Picture Post Production Industry Networking Luncheon” and “3D Movie Technology Seminar” etc.
World acclaimed and enriched international filmmakers from Hollywood, France, Mainland China, the Philippines, and Canada are also invited to share their experiences in 3D filmmaking. Mr. Chuck Comisky and Mr. Craig Tanner, the 3D post-production wizards of the awarded blockbuster “Avatar”, and Liu Xiao Guang, renowned movie director from mainland China, and Mr. Pierre Buffin, who founded BUF Compagnie in France, will attend the “3D Movie Workshop, Production and Post-production” and the “3D Movie Technology Seminar” on 24th March, 2010 to share their experiences in producing their masterpieces.
Chuck Comisky set new 3D standards for James Cameron’s blockbuster “Avatar”
Mr. Chuck Comisky and Mr. Craig Tanner are both famous filmmakers in Hollywood, they had participated in the post production of “Avatar”. Mr. Chuck Comisky is a visual effect wizard and an experienced Stereo-3D innovator who set new 3D standards for James Cameron’s blockbuster “Avatar”. He supervised the Stereo-3D and Visual Effects for Cameron’s two IMAX 3D documentaries, “Ghosts of the Abyss” and “Aliens of the Deep”, and he is currently supervising 3D on the Cameron exec-produced feature, "SANCTUM" shooting in Australia. Chuck has worked with the most worldly-renowned film directors and studios. He had production experiences with directors including James Cameron, Roger Corman and Brett Ratner etc. He had also supervised, produced and designed visual effects for major studios including Disney, Fox, Sony/Columbia, Lightstorm Entertainment, Universal and Paramount etc.
Sharing the experiences of Oscar nominated and Emmy winning editor/producer
Mr.Craig Tanner is a co-founder of Digital Revolution Studios. Oscar nominated and Emmy winning editor/producer, Mr. Tanner participated in the post-production of many blockbusters. These include “Avatar” (Visual Effects Editor), “Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer” (Visual Effects Editor) and the Emmy Award-winning and Oscar nominated documentary, “God Sleeps in Rwanda”.
Another guest has to be introduced is Mr. Pierre Buffin, who founded BUF Compagnie. He developed a specific visual culture and new visual paradigms, including the bullet time effect in “Matrix”. This made BUF one of the pioneering companies in CG imagery and leader in the visual effects and animation industry for more than 25 years with over 75 feature films and 800 commercials to their credit.
In addition, the sophisticated 3D production technology and instruments used in the contemporary local movie industry will be presented to visitors, and participants of the “Hong Kong 3D Film New Action Pavilion” and “Hong Kong Motion Picture Post Production Pavilion”, and also with the international experts’ sharing, it is expected that “Hong Kong 3D New Action”
will foster technological exchanges between local and overseas participants.
香港3D電影New Action 倒數一周
由香港電影發展局及香港電影後期專業人員協會舉辦的「香港3D電影New Action」將於3月22日至3月25日正式舉行,活動將以《香港3D電影New Action展區》及《香港電影後期製作展區》打頭陣,隨後接連舉辦《2010年亞洲視覺特效及數字後期製作高峰會》、《3D立體電影拍攝及後期製作工作坊》、《電影後期工業交流午餐會》及《3D立體電影技術研討會》等活動,並邀得多名國際資深電影製作人親臨交流心得,可謂電影業界一項盛事。
大會今年特別從美國荷里活、法國、中國內地、菲律賓及加拿大等地及邀請了多名本地資深製作人及導演親臨香港分享經驗。其中曾參與3D電影《阿凡達》視覺效果及後期製作的Mr. Chuck Comisky、Mr. Craig Tanner及法國BUF的創辦人Mr. Pierre Buffin等大師級人馬,專程來港於3月24日《3D立體電影拍攝及後期製作工作坊》及《3D立體電影技術研討會》分享心得。
大導演占士金馬倫御用製作人Chuck Comisky親臨教路
Mr. Chuck Comisky及Mr. Craig Tanner為荷里活知名電影視覺效果及3D後期製作人,二人均曾參與3D電影《阿凡達》之製作。Mr. Chuck Comisky不單為導演占士金馬倫 (James Cameron) 的電影《阿凡達》製作視覺特效,他亦曾為金馬倫導演監督兩齣IMAX 3D的紀錄片, 《深淵幽靈》 及《深海異形》的立體3D視覺特效。最近,他正身在澳洲為金馬倫導演的新作 “SANCTUM” 監督3D視覺特效。Chuck曾與世界各地的知名電影名導及工作室合作。曾與他合作的名導演除包括占士金馬倫 (James Cameron)外,還有羅傑科曼 (Roger Corman)及畢維納 (Brett Ratner) 等等。他亦曾為迪士尼,霍士,索尼/哥倫比亞,Lightstorm娛樂,環球電影及派拉蒙電影公司的電影工作室監督、製作及設計3D視覺特效。
奧斯卡提名人Craig Tanne現身說法
Mr. Craig Tanner是世界知名的3D後期製作人,同時為數字革命電影公司創辦人之一。Mr. Tanner曾獲奧斯卡提名及獲得艾美獎最佳剪接/製作人,並曾參與多齣大片的後期製作,包括為電影《阿凡達》及《神奇4俠:銀魔現身》出任視覺效果製作人,以及為獲得艾美獎及奧斯卡提名的紀錄片《上帝眠於盧旺達》剪接和後期製作。
另一位獲邀出席的重量級嘉賓為超濾劇團創辦人Mr. Pierre Buffin,他多年來發展了劃時代的新興視覺藝術文化,其中電影《廿二世紀殺人網絡》中令人讚嘆的子彈特別效果正是當中的佼佼者。Mr. Buffin更成功領導超濾劇團成為CG圖像界的翹楚,並於這25年來製作了超過75部劇情片及800個廣告。
除了邀得國際及本港著名製作人交流心得外,大會將於《香港3D電影New Action展區》及《香港電影後期製作展區》特別展示多個本地電影後期製作之成果,及展示3D電影製作基本的器材及技術,配合多名大師級人馬坐鎮,相信「香港3D電影New Action」能進一步增進本港及外海業界之交流,並有助提昇本港電影後期製作的技術。