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[Seminar 工作坊]
Use Google to connect you with Local and Overseas buyers
用 Google 把您跟本地及海外買家連起來

Global Internet Marketing Service

Use Google to connect you with Local and Overseas buyers
用 Google 把您跟本地及海外買家連起來


時間:14:15 – 17:00


- 搜尋透視及規劃工具
- 搜尋聯播網及多媒體推廣
- 用 Google 打開中國市場
- Google Remarketing 再營銷
- Mobile, Tablet 最強移動推廣
- Google Analytics 報表與分析
- Youtube, Video 短片推廣全面睇
- 即埸個案分析: 歡迎參加者提供個案作即場分析

費用:免費 (本工作坊由 Google 全力贊助)


語言:廣東話 + 英文

- 中小企老闆/銷售及市場推廣人員
- 有意拓展網上業務之人士
- 現有在網上推廣的廣告客戶


- 請自備 Notebook, Tablet, 上網及錄音器材
- 參加者即場免費開户可獲贈 HK$688 網上廣告消費 Coupon


At a time when business is booming between North America and China, John Lui is the only Internet marketing expert who is supremely qualified to bridge both business and cultural worlds.
Kevin Nunley, DrNunley.com





johnlui.com YouTube Channel
Search Network, Display Network, Android, iPad, iPhone, YouTube, facebook

Speaker 講者: John Lui, johnlui.com
Global Internet Marketing Consultant 互聯網推廣顧問

John Lui is a well-known bilingual Internet Marketing Consultant who is running a global business based in Hong Kong. He is the world's first Chinese professional to pass five Google Internet Marketing Exams (Analytics, Adwords Fundamentals, and 3 Advanced Exams) and a Microsoft Advertising Exam.

John is noted for gaining quick expertise in emerging technologies. His mobile, display & YouTube marketing campaigns are among the best, giving businesses worldwide access to this influential and innovative promotion medium.

Other than Search Engine Marketing (SEM, text ads), John also specialize in effective flash banner & YouTube Channel design, traffic analysis (Google Analytics), campaign optimization, Google remarketing and email marketing. His strength is to setup a powerful strategic online campaign that delivers outstanding business results at the lowest possible marketing cost.

John Lui 是全球首位通過所有 Adwords Analytics 認證的華藉 Google Certified Partner。他02年於網上創業,05年回港舉辦 “實用網上生意建立及推廣工作坊”課程,06年起多次接受港澳傳媒訪問,亦是全球首位舉辦有關課程的香港人。他曾為多個大型網站、香港及澳門政府、澳門大型渡假村建立網上推廣活動。

John 透過搜尋聯播網絡 (Search Network)、多媒體網絡 (Display Network)、視頻網絡 (Video Network) 及 手機網絡 (Mobile Network),令 貴公司市場推廣訊息於 YouTube、iPad、iPhone 及數千網站出現; 再加上高質素 Flash bannerYouTube Channel 及強效策略,為閣下企業建立品牌及節省推廣成本,令潛在客戶主動找上門。



This seminar is fully sponsored by Google.  本工作坊由 Google 全力贊助. Google trademarks are the property of Google Inc. This website is not officially affiliated or endorsed by Google Inc. in any way.