又到換季高峰期,為方便客戶預約送箱或收箱,Yes-Storage 設立網上預約平台,讓客戶可以隨時隨地上網登記,體驗簡單快捷的網上預約運送服務!

2) 填寫所需資料及選擇 合適的時間及地區並遞交運送服務安排表格」
3) 客戶服務部會於網上預約 後一個工作天內致電給你確認運送服務

1. 請於運送日前最少兩個工作天進行網上預約。 
2. 於網上預約後一個工作天內,客戶服務部會致電給你,確認運送日期、時間及地點。
3. 如要求的運輸時間已滿,客戶服務部會提供另一個時間以供選擇。

At Yes-Storage, we always strive to provide excellent customer experience on our services. Now, you are able to make delivery appointment through our online delivery booking system, offering higher flexibility and greater convenience all the times.

2) Fill in and submit the required delivery information, including selected time slot and districts
3) Our Customer Service will confirm your booking within 1 working day by phone

1. Please make an online reservation at least 2 days before the delivery day. 
2. Our Customer Service Representative will confirm your booking, including date, time and delivery district within 1 working day. 
3. If the requested time slot is not available, we will suggest alternatives for your selection.