香港儲物室 X 聖雅各福群會Green Ladies

寄賣二手服飾 讓舊愛變為別人心頭好


香港儲物室全力支持聖雅各福群會轄下的社會企業Green Ladies,共同推動時裝環保潮流,鼓勵客戶珍惜擁有的同時,更可把時裝回收及再用。Green Ladies是香港首間以寄賣優質二手女士時裝的環保社企,致力推動善用不合適時裝的文化,減少浪費,締造美好環境,同時亦為中年婦女提供可持續的就業及培訓機會,意義重大。




Green Ladies分別於灣仔集成中心商場及黃大仙現祟山商場開業設立店舖,裝潢光鮮優雅,店內掛上大型水晶燈,擺放歐式古典櫃子,完全沒有半點「二手店」的氣息。Green Ladies主打當季服飾,所寄賣的衣物都是新淨,款式貼近潮流,再配合首飾、手袋及高跟鞋等優質二手貨品,完全滿足女士「扮靚」的需要。


寄賣衣物 讓舊愛變新歡


每當換季,女士們總發覺上季買了不少漂亮時裝,但來季未必合適再穿。與其繼續閑置或棄掉,倒不如把二手衣物到Green Ladies寄賣或捐贈,使「舊愛」變成別人的「新歡」。再者,在兩個月內成功賣出,即可獲取售價的三成作回饋,一舉兩得。


Green Ladies更鼓勵大家到店內寄賣及在場以相宜價格選購心儀衣飾,同時實踐「一賣一買」的善用資源文化,為環保出多一分力。


Green Ladies特意送出HK$100現金劵予香港儲物室客戶(隨月結單寄出)。由20141024日起至2015131日,凡於Green Ladies店內購物滿HK$200,即減HK$100




如欲參與寄賣計劃,客戶請先致電Green Ladies了解詳情(電話︰3974 4677Green Ladies只收取具重售價值的女士時裝及飾物,具體準則如下︰


l   時裝要有良好的質素,並且沒有任何破損

l   款式新穎(以三年內為佳)

l   當季服飾


Green Ladies所收集的衣服種類包括


l   女士衣服(不包括行政套裝)

l   女士飾物 (不包括頭飾)

l   頸巾/ 絲巾/ 手袋

l   女士鞋具 9成新)


詳情請登入Green Ladies網站或致電3974 4677查詢。


*Green Ladies最後決定為準


香港儲物室全力支持Green Ladies,一同推動環保衣著潮流,把時裝回收及再用

位於黃大仙現祟山商場Green Ladies店舖,現寄賣秋冬時裝


Green Ladies






Green Ladies鼓勵一賣一買的重用文化,在這裡,你總會找到心頭好,而且又可以為環保出分力

Hongkong Storage X Green Ladies, St. James Settlement

Let your idle fashion becomes beloved of others


Hongkong Storage fully supports Green Ladies, a social enterprise operated by St. James Settlement, to jointly promote eco fashion style. We encourage our customers to cherish the resources they own through reusing and recycling fashion. Green Ladies is the first eco-social enterprise applying consignment model in Hong Kong, aims at promoting reuse culture of quality secondhand fashion and providing job opportunities to middle-aged ladies.


High-End Secondhand Boutique


Green Ladies has set up boutique outlets at CC Wu Building in Wan Chai and Lions Rise Mall in Wong Tai Sin respectively. With glamorous decorations of chandelier and Euro-classic cabinets, the boutiques are elegant and polished, instead of being worn-out “thrift shops”. Green Ladies mainly sells current season’s women fashion, and all consigned clothing are new and trendy. In addition, you may also find accessories, handbags, high-heel shoes, and other quality products. It is sure that Green Ladies can help all ladies to look their best.


From Idle Fashion to Beloved of Others


It is interesting to see that ladies have bought a lot of beautiful clothing, yet these clothing are not suitable for the coming season. As such, they are either idle or disposed. Now, we all have a new choice in eco-living, which is to consign or donate used fashion to Green Ladies. Moreover, consigners can take a maximum 30% of the profit as rebate when the collected items are sold within 2 months.


Green Ladies encourages everyone to come to their boutique outlets, and purchase trendy items at a reasonable price to fully utilize resources in the society to support eco-friendly habits.


Green Ladies gives HK$100 coupon to each Hongkong Storage customers (with account statement). From 24th October 2014 to 31st January 2015, when you have bought over HK$200 at Green Ladies boutique outlets, you can have a discount of HK$100.


*Collection Criteria


If you want to join the consignment, please call Green Ladies first by 3974 4677. Green Ladies collects resalable high quality ladies’ fashion and accessories, criteria as follow:


l   High quality, in good condition and free of damage

l   Trendy fashion (preferable within 3 years)

l   Current season


Items that Green Ladies collects:


l   Ladies fashion (not including executive suits)

l   Ladies accessories (not including headdresses)

l   Scarves/ Handbags

l   Ladies footwear (90% new)


For more information, please visit the website of Green Ladies ( or dial 3974 4677.


*The decision of Green Ladies shall be final.


Hongkong Storage fully supports Green Ladies to jointly promote eco fashion style.




The fall/ winter fashion is now on sale and consigned at Green Ladies boutique outlet of Lions Rise Mall.


The exquisite decoration at Green Ladies reflects an aura of high-end boutique.





Green Ladies promotes reuse fashion culture. In here, you must find your next favourite fashionable items as well as committing in green living style.