Message from ULI Asia Pacific Senior Vice President & Executive Director
2012 marked the fifith year of ULI's presence in Asia Pacific and I am excited about the region's accomplishments in 2012. ULI's best work results...

The Executive Centre Proudly Supports ULI Asia Pacific

The Executive Centre, a leading premium serviced office provider in Asia Pacific, is pleased to welcome ULI Asia Pacific...


ULI Advisory Services Panel Report: Kai Tak & Kowloon East Hong Kong SAR
ULI was retained by the Government of the Hong Kong SAR to conduct an Advisory Services panel, to provide strategic advice on land use and real esate development issues so as to achieve sustainable development at the former Kai Tak Airport and the nearby Kowloon East area...

ULI Asia Pacific on Channel NewsAsia - Sector Spotlight
John P. Fitzgerald, the Senior Vice President & Executive Director of ULI Asia Pacific broadcast interview with Channel NewsAsia (CNA).


Whitepaper: What makes China's housing downturn different?
Is China decoupled and immune from the challenges facing most other developed nations or simply muddling through? Rising prices in China's housing markets have attracted...

India May Outpace China by 2032
Although the World Bank projects the Chinese economy will grow by more than 8 percent in 2013, developers may find better bets in India and some other Asian countries...

The Top Market in Asia: Jakarta
Jakarta, Indonesia's capital city, is the top city for real estate investment in the Asia-Pacific Region, according to Emerging Trends in Real Estate Asia Pacific 2013...


(Photo courtesy of Danumurthi Mahendra via Flickr)
HK's real estate prospect to remain favourable in 2013 (Dec 4, 2012. China Daily)
Best place to buy property in Asia (Dec 4, 2012. CNN)
Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore slip to bottom of investment destinations list: PWC-ULI (Dec 11, 2012.The Economic Times) 
Shape of neighbourhoods to come (Dec 18, 2012.South China Morning Post) 
Developers urged to look beyond BPO sector (Dec 26, 2012. Philippines Daily Inquirer) 
Lee Kuan Yew World City Prize - Call for Nominations
PERE Summit: Asia 2013. Feb 27-28, 2013. Hong Kong
Municipalika - Making Cities Work. Mar 13-15, 2013. India
APREA Property Leaders Forum 2013. Apr 23, 2013. Singapore
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