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ULI South Asia Upcoming Events
May 2009
The Outlook for Real Estate Markets in India and China: Where are These Economies and Property Sectors Headling?
June 2009
ULI Asia Pacific Capital Markets Forum, Singapore
2009 ULI Asia Pacific Awards Announced at REIW Asia Industry Dinner, Singapore
July 2009
Young Leader Mentor Series: Philip Ng, Far East Organization, Singapore
²ULI South Asia Council Cocktail & Expertise
The Outlook for Real Estate Markets in India and China: Where are These Economies and Property Sectors Headling?
25 May 2009, Monday
18.00 - 19.30
Venue: One Raffles Quay, Singapore
Blake Olafson
Director, Real Estate
Arcapita, Singapore

Nicholas Brooke
Professional Property Services Ltd, Hong Kong

Raj Menda
Managing Director
RMZ Corp, Bangalore
While the global economy continues to contract, some forecasters anticipate that China and India will continue to offer growth opportunities. Nick Brooke and Raj Menda, two acknowledged experts in property markets in China and India respectively, will explain what is happening in those markets right now and what you can expect to see in the coming twelve to eighteen months. Their presentations will be followed by an interactive discussion with questions and answers moderated by Blake Olafson
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ULI Asia Pacific Capital Markets Forum, Singapore
By Invitation
22 June 2009, Monday
Venue: PricewaterhouseCoopers Office, Singapore
Stephen Blank, Urban Land Institute
David Dickinson, GIC Real Estate
2009 ULI Asia Pacific Awards Announced at REIW Asia Industry Dinner, Singapore
24 June 2009, Wednesday
19.00 - 23.00
Venue: St. Regis, Singapore

Young Leader Mentor Series:
Philip Ng, Chief Executive Officer, Far East Organization, Singapore
9 July 2009, Thursday
12.30 - 14.30
Venue: The Fullerton Hotel, Singapore
Venue sponsor: Far East Organization, Singapore
ULI Asia Pacific Supported Events
May 2009
Architecture Excellence:
Sir Peter Cook
12 May
16.00 - 18.45
The URA Centre, Singapore
More information
Download Peter’s CV
June 2009
REIW Asia 2009
Not a ULI member? JOIN NOW to save 15% at REIW Asia.
22 - 24 June
Raffles City Convention Centre, Singapore
ULI Sponsorship Opportunities Available
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ULI South Asia
1 Liang Seah Street, #02-12 Liang Seah Place, Singapore 189022
Tel: (65) 6336 1709 Fax: (65) 6336 2583
ULI North Asia
Unit 1, G/F, The Center, 99 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2169 3128 Fax: (852) 2169 3730
Staff Contacts:
John Fitzgerald, Vice President and Executive Director, Asia Tel: (852) 6901 2865 Email: johnf@uli.org
Michael Pawlukiewicz, Senior Research Director, Asia Tel: (852) 6906 8270 Email: michaelp@uli.org
Faridah Ibrahim, South Asia Coordinator Tel: (65) 6336 1709 Email: ULI_SA@cma.sg
Pamela Ku, North Asia Coordinator Tel: (852) 2169 3128 Email: coordinator@noasia.uli.org