March 28,2014, Global leading Testing, Certification, Audit, Inspection organization held 2014 ESS (Export Support Service) seminar in Shenzhen. Mr. Lic. Polux Sanchez Reyes (Head of International Affairs, ANCE) , Mr. Cesar Valencia (Service Development Manager, Export Support Services Manager, DEKRA) attended seminar as speakers with DEKRA local ESS experts.
Mexico Certification (NMX-J-521 update, Energy Efficiency), Rules & Process of Brazil Certification(INMETRO) and Update for emerging markets (China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Australia, Russia, United Arab Emirates, etc.) were presented in the seminar. Also DEKRA is committed to providing customers with a full range of ONE-STOP global certification service as global leader.
More than 120 attendees presented the seminar, which came from Mainland China, HK and Macao, like Kingfisher, SEB, Philips, Samsung, and FOXCONN. Participants agreed this seminar information was enriched, and helpful to enterprises to a more in-depth understanding of international standard.

2014年3月28日,全球领先的测试、检验、审核、及认证机构DEKRA在深圳召开2014年国际认证研讨会。DEKRA 国际认证部经理Mr. Cesar Valencia 与 ANCE国际事务主任Mr. Lic. Polux Sanchez Reyes 携手DEKRA本地国际认证专家作为演讲嘉宾出席了此次技术交流会。
本次研讨会主要介绍了墨西哥认证:家电与灯具产品的能效与NMX-J-521标准更新), 巴西认证的流程与规则(INMETRO)以及新兴市场的认证规则及更新(中,日,韩,台,新,澳,俄等)等内容,并展示了DEKRA作为行业的领先者为客户提供全方位的一站式认证服务的服务理念。
有120余名企业代表出席会议,来自中国大陆以及港澳的多家知名企业,如Kingfisher、SEB 、飞利浦 、三星、富士康等代表出席交流,与会者均表示本次研讨会信息丰富充实,有助于企业更深入理解国际标准。
To learn more about our Testing service, please contact us for more sharing! 欲了解更多关于我们的测试服务,请与我们联系!
DEKRA Hong Kong
Unit 1-14, 6/F., Fuk Shing Commercial Building, 28 On Lok Mun Street, On Lok Tsuen, Fanling, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2669 5740
Fax: +852 2676 0097
DEKRA Guangzhou
DEKRA HOUSE, Block A3, No.3 Qiyun Road, Science City, Guangzhou Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Guangzhou P.R. China
Tel:+86 20 6661 2000
Fax:+86 20 6661 2001
Hotline: 400-1000-508
DEKRA Shenzhen
Unit 104, 1/F., Block C, Zhenxing Industrial Building, Taizi Road, Shekou, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, P. R. China
Tel: +86 755 8325 7286
Fax: +86 755 82716744
Email: DEKRA.SouthChina@dekra-certification.cn
Website: www.dekra-certification.cn