Australia Day Drinks - 25 January 2008
To celebrate the xxth anniversary of the Confederation of Australia, we have arranged an Australia Day Happy Hour Drinks celebration on 25 January at Prive [TBC], xx Hollywood Road, Hong Kong.
Time: 6 - 9pm
To register, please RSVP to xx by 23 January 2008.
Members: free. 
Non-members: $100.
Spring & Forecast Dinner - 28 February 2008, Thursday
We have turned our Forecast Dinner into a bigger event this year and have combined it with the Spring Dinner. We are honoured to have invited Mr Chi Lo, Head of xx from PingAn Insurance, Mr Arthur Woo, Head of xx from Merrill Lynch, Jeff Moleski, Partner in xx from Ernst & Young to share with us their views on the Greater China economic outlook.
Date: 28 February, 2008, Thursday
Time: 7pm (register), 7.30pm - 10pm
Venue: Bankers Club, xx/F Landmark, Central
Theme: Olympics 2008
Topics: Will the Olympics in 2008 bring sustaintable grwoth in China? Is the appreciation of the RMB a risk or benefit?
Spaces are limited. To register, please contact Mason Wu on xxx or RSVP to
Members: $100
Non members; $250
Other upcoming events
ICAA Australia Chairman's Welcoming Drinks - March 08
CPE Luncheon - April 08
Wine Tasting - May 08 |