To our valued Customer :
Hello! This is a customer questionnaire on our products and service.
We are extremly thank you for your support during these days.
In order to improve our product quality and service,
we would like to make an investigate between our customers.
Could you kindly help us to finish the questionnaire?
Thank you for your participation!

Product Satisfaction Questionnaire
1. Your overall image of our company? (  )
A.Very satisfied
B. More satisfied
C. General
D. Not good
E. Bad

2. The following statement is the evaluation of our sales channels, please use very satisfied, more satisfied, generally, relatively poor, very poor evaluation.[ fill in the brackets ]
  1. Very satisfied Satisfied  B. Generally  C. Poor  D.Very poor  E. Not suitable

Your overall evaluation of our official website is (  )
Your overall evaluation of our store is (  )
Your official flagship store evaluation is (  )

3. The following statement is about our product evaluation, please use very satisfied, more satisfied, generally, relatively poor, very poor evaluation. [ fill in the brackets ]
A. Very satisfied Satisfied  B. Generally  C. Poor  D.Very poor
Your presentation of our product promotion is (  )
Your brand evaluation of our products is (  )
Your evaluation of the design of our products is (  )
Your material evaluation of our products is (  )
Your intrinsic quality assessment of our products is (  )
Your function evaluation of our products is (  )
Your evaluation of the auxiliary function (comfort, etc.) of our products is (  )
Your evaluation of the protection requirements of our products is (  )
Your evaluation for our products pprice is (  )
Your overall evaluation of our products is (  )
4.The following is your staff assessment of our store, please use very satisfied, more satisfied, generally, relatively poor, very poor evaluation.[ fill in the brackets ]
A. Very satisfied Satisfied  B. Generally  C. Poor  D.Very poor
Your evaluation of the response speed of our customer service is (  )
The evaluation of the professional level of our customer service is (  )
Your service attitude to our customer service is (  )
Your evaluation of the handling efficiency of our customer complaints is (  )
Your evaluation of the staff is (  )

5. When you buy our products, the following aspects of the factors you will consider, according to the importance of sorting. (  )
A. Quality
B. Price
C. Services
D. Function
E. Design of the product
F. Other

6. Do you have any advices or suggestions about our products and service? [Fill in the blank]

7. Will you buy our products again?[Single choice] (  )
A. Sure will
B. Maybe
C. Not sure
D. May not
E. Certainly not

8. Do you still buy our products when the price of similar products in other companies is lowered? [Single choice] (  )
A. Sure will
B. Maybe
C. Not sure
D. May not
E. Certainly not

9. Would you like to recommend our products to other users? [Single choice] (  )
A.Willing to
B. May not
C. Not sure
E Certainly not
And if you choose the certainly not, could you kindly notice us the reason?
                          Thank you for your cooperation! Have a nice day!