Thanks for trusting and supporting Kingsoft Office software all this time. We're writing to tell you that in June this year we have released Kingsoft Office Suite Free 2013 and Kingsoft Office Suite Professional 2013. Please update now! Besides all the old features, there are 38 new features added, such as:

1. Both the Free and Paid version have three interface choices: 2013 and the classical one.
2. Greater compatibility with Microsoft Office (97/2000/2003/2007/2010). Export spreadsheets to.xlsx, .xlsm formats in the Paid version.
3. Expand row and column numbers in Spreadsheets to support a maximum of 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns. Check out more new features on our website:

How do you upgrade from Kingsoft office 2012 to Kingsoft office 2013?

It's very simple. Just download the installation package from our website, and then install it on your computer. It is free upgrade from 2012 to kingsoft office 2013
Note: For paid version users, you should copy your serial code from the Product Management Center. This serial code can be used to activate the 2013 version.

Send us your feedback here or leave a comment on our Facebook.

All the best,
The Kingsoft Office Team

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