由國際青年商會香港總會主辦之「Creative Youth Entrepreneur Award (CYEA)2009」剛於8月2日舉行頒獎典禮。思齊Spread為參賽者之一,亦很榮幸獲得晋身為Finalist 最後三強,值得恭賀。此次活動主題為「創.變」,相信評審團很認同思齊Spread「許可式自助電郵推廣軟件及服務」這個創新的概念會為各大小企業的推廣及銷售帶來變化及新商機。

Hosted by the Junior Chamber International Hong Kong, the "Creative Youth Entrepreneur Award (CYEA) 2009" just held their Award Ceremony plus Closing on 2 August. Reasonable Spread is one of the participants and we are very proud to be one of the three finalist. The theme of this event is " inno Breakthrough ", which fits with Spread’s innovative concept for  "DIY Permission-based Email Marketing Software and Services" in Hong Kong and believe it will bring breakthroughs to sales & marketing of enterprise in Hong Kong.

Creative Youth Entrepreneur Award (CYEA)2009 最後三強 -Reasonable Spread
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