We would like to announce the successful publication of Food Safety in China: A Comprehensive Review. This work was published by CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group) in the USA and translated and copyedited by New Bridge Translation’s expert team, including Rock Lau and Dawn Hu in China, and Chris Carter in the USA. The book is now available in the Amazon online book store.
祝贺江南大学吴林海教授的学术著作《中国食品安全综述》(Food Safety in China: A Comprehensive Review)在美国成功出版!
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电话:(020) 8729 1876
手机:135 7026 2948(陈凤小姐)
135 6040 8716(刘振林先生)
Guangzhou New Bridge Translation is a professional Chinese/English translation agency driven by academic integrity and providing international-level quality at Mainland China market prices.
- Our expert professional translators have a broad variety of subject-area specialties and are fully trained in our corporate philosophy, work ethic, and four-step translation process. Each of our native-English-speaking copyeditors has a Master’s degree or PhD and rich experience in copyediting commercial, technical, and academic documents.
- We have provided written translation services to many well-known businesses, international organizations, and other institutions in China and around the world.
- We founded the first private translation company in Guangzhou and continue to be the best Chinese/English translation service in the city, with more than 20 years of experience in providing top-quality translations.
- We are a member of the Guangzhou Translation Association and the Translators Association of China, and we were one of the first three recipients of the Good Faith Services Provider Award from the Guangzhou Translation Association.
For more information, please contact us:
Guangzhou New Bridge Translation
Going beyond the words: Translation with academic integrity
When excellence is a requirement.
Telephone: (+0086 20) 8729 1876
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Email: 188266149@qq.com
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