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Sino i. Training Centre Presents

 新晉升管理人員必備的管理技巧 —人際技巧Essential tools for newly promoted managers - Part 1

        作為新上任的管理層,隨了 technical skills 要到家,也需要儘快掌握如何運用 People skills去帶領團隊,令團隊發揮最大的功能,最終達到公司訂立的目標。更因為有強大的人力資源,可以令公司擁有可持續發展的一大優勢。

本課程將會探討作為新晉升主管如何提升人際技巧(People Skills) 去帶領團隊,激勵員工,及掌握有效溝通的方法。 



剛晉升的各部門主管及希望提升人際技巧(People Skills)之人仕。

Workshop Contents 課程內容:

1.   Leadership領導技巧
What do staff look for in leaders? 員工希望有怎樣的一個領導者?
l  Be a “task and people orientated” leader- how to cultivate your qualities以完成任務,用人以誠為本,自我培育成為恩威兼備的領導者
l  Practice more than normal EQ, AQ情緒、逆境智商要超標,彈性不可少
l  Effective leadership is to know your priorities and focus to make them happen學會令自己目光專注,目標明確,及瞭解處事優先緩急 

2.  Leading your Team
Team cohesion – the basic elements組織緊密團隊的基本原素
l  Align with mission and vision and foster common goals團隊齊心透視遠見,邁向共同目標
l  Manage differences among team members隊員意見要有不同,磨合技巧要掌握
l  Bring creative ideas to life, excite your followers創意無限,激發隊員衝勁

3.  Motivating People激勵員工
Usee motivation as a tool to enhance performance and retain staff 以激勵提升表現及挽留人才
l  Understand the top 10 elements that motivate people明白十個最高可以激勵員工的元素
l  Acquire new motivating techniques in motivating millennia (post 80s and post 90s) 用新技巧,激勵新人類

4.   Mastering Effective Communication掌握有效溝通
Develop people-centered leadership, master effective communication 以跟隨者為本,溝通、傳意要盡在掌握中
l  On giving instructions當給與指導
l  On giving constructive feedback當給與回應
l  How to persuade說服能力
l  How to break bad news帶出壞消息
l  Dealing with facts and feelings處理事實與感情

5.   Coaching Others輔導員工
l  Help staff to acquire new skills協助隊員學習新技能
l  Help staff to minimize performance gap協助隊員縮窄表現偏差 


講師霍佩瑩小姐 (Catherine Fok)


Date  March 22, 2013 (Thursday)
 9:30am – 5:30pm 
Venue : Units 706-7, JD Mall, 233 Nathan Road, Jordan, Kowloon.
Fee :  HK$ 1,200 (For Member) / HK$ 1,300 (for non-member)  


Please make cheque payable to "Sino i. Training Centre" 

For further information, please call our Customer Service Division
at 2528 2255.


Units 702-4, Rightful Centre, 12 Tak Hing Street, Jordan, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: 2528 2255 Fax: 2529 0888 Website: http://www.sino-i-training.com/
Email: aster@e-accounts.net