Sino i Training Center 為學員送上最切合您需要之課程優惠。學習嶄新推廣方法,創業及提升生意額好機會,詳情如下:

Grow Your Business with Email Marketing and Reasonable Spread
• 利用電郵推廣與客戶建立關係
• 建立及保持高質數的客戶/會員名單
• 讓電郵直入收 件箱、提高開啟率和點繫率
• 把收件者變成您的顧客、支持者或捐贈者
• 把最合適的內容於良好時機傳達到最目標群
• 利用電郵增加客戶到您的信賴
技術支援部劉先生話每日都有10個人上完Ice Fire個網站後, 喺Spread度留低電郵地址, 用咗3個月, 已有約2,000人登記。
- 每五個香港人就有一個收到思齊Spread寄出的電郵會員通訊,包括Uwants、Discuss.com.hk、HotDL.com(下載王)
對象: 公司老闆、市務、售賣專業人員、IT人、創業人仕 (工餘進修) |
公司老闆、市務、售賣專業人員、IT人、創業人仕 (在職人仕) |
2009 年 3 月 30 日(星期一)
時間: 6:00PM 至 10:00PM
地點: 九龍塘達之路 72 號創新中心電腦室 (報名確認後再通知)
(鄰近生產力促進局,按此看地圖) |
2009 年 4 月 3 日(星期五)
時間: 2:00PM 至 6:00PM
地點: 九龍旺角西洋菜南街 74-84 號,旺角城市中心 603-606 室
(旺角地鐵站 D3 出口,直行半分鐘,按此看地圖) |
講者: 胡權斌 (Alan), 思齊軟件有限公司董事及創辦人
語言: 廣東話; 中英文教學筆記
課程費用: 原價HK$880 ,首40位報名HK$360 或登記使用 Spread 電郵推廣服務
Spread用戶尊享:如閣下已為Spread 5000或以上客戶,即可免費報讀此實習課程!
- 付款方式: 支票台頭 "思齊軟件有限公司" 銀行入數: 匯豐銀行帳戶- 094 842598 838
課程結束後,學員可獲免費 Spread 帳戶一個 (可儲存及發送 5,000 電郵,價值$360)
聯絡: 電話- 3520 4490 / 電郵 - spread@reasonables.com
Outline: Build relationships with easy, inexpensive and highly effective email marketing! In this seminar, we will provide tips to increase your email deliverability and open rates, write good headlines and content, and perhaps most importantly, strategies for getting -- and keeping -- high quality prospects, customers and members. You will learn how to:
- Become a trusted email sender in the eyes of your prospects, customers, and members.
- Build your list! How to find and keep email list subscribers.
- Get your sent emails opened and read.
- Turn your readers into more frequent buyers/supporters/donators.
- Target your communications – how to get the right message to the right people at the right time
- Use email communications to improve customer/member loyalty.
Lecturer: Mr. Alan Wo, Director and founder of Reasonable Software House Limited 思齊軟件有限公司
Language: Cantonese speaking, course material written in English and Chinese.
Suitable for: Enterpreneurs, company direct, sales & marketing professionals, IT professionals (to enrich your knowledge for better career) |
Suitable for: Enterpreneurs, company direct, sales & marketing professionals, IT professionals (for your company) |
30 Mar 2009 Mon 6pm-10pm
Venue: Computer room at InnoCentre, 72 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong (exact room no. will be informed upon confirmation of payment) (next to HK Productivity Council, Click here for Map) |
3 Apr 2009 Fri 2pm-6pm
Venue: Room 603-606, Mongkok City Centre, 74-84 Sai Yeung Choi St. South,
Mongkok, Kowloon (Near Monk Kok MTR Satation Exit D3, Click here for Map)
Practice with PC
Course fee: HK$880 $360
Spread Users Special: for Spread 5000 or above users, the course fee is free!
Apply now!
Payment: Cheque - payable to "Reasonable Software House Limited"
Bank deposit: HSBC Account Name: Reasonable Software House Limited
Account No.: 094 842598 838
Spread account (store up to 5,000 contacts) will be granted.
Sign up an account of Reasonable Spread
CONTACT: Ms. Sophia Cheung tel - 3520 4490 / email - Spread@reasonables.com