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Please forward this invitation to your colleagues and counterparts who would find it most useful.
News Digest 19.3.2015 |
Next week, Prime Source Forum (PSF) will hold its 10th edition from 24-25th March at the Holiday Inn Golden Mile Hong Kong. Have you registered for the attendance yet?
There are some changes on the programme - the Keynote Speech offered by the Cabinet Secretary, Hon. Adan Mohamed, EBS, from the Ministry of Industrialisation and Enterprise Development, Republic of Kenya will be made on the first day of the forum. To see other changes, please click here or see below for details.
Do not forget that the Global Apparel, Footwear and Textiles Initiative (GAFTI) will for its first time move its AGM to PSF2015. They will present their '2020 Vision.' To know what they will talk about, register here now.
The topics mattering executives' daily businesses, such as how the Millennial and use of omni channels have had impacts on sourcing strategies and policies, solutions to tackle the changing global retail scene, sourcing in Africa and responsible sourcing, will be covered on the two-day forum. Grab this last chance to register for PSF2015 here now.
Appreciate it if you could pass this e-newsletter to your colleagues, counterparts and vendors and remind them of registration.
Look forward to seeing you next week.

To meet senior executives of adidas, Asia-Inspection, Brooks Brothers, BSCI, Busana, BV, Chef Works, Coats, Cotton USA, Crocs, Esscrown, Euro Centr, Foot Locker, Ghim Li, Groz-Beckert, H&M, Hanbo, HUGO BOSS, Lanier Clothes/ Oxford, M&S, MGB Metro, New Balance, New Wide, OTTO, Perry Ellis, PVH, QuikSilver, Ralph Lauren, SgT, Target, Tesco, TȔV Sȕd, Under Armour, Uniqlo, VF, Woolmark, WRAP, Youngone ... register here now.

Click here for an update of the programme to see what will be covered in this year's PSF.

Senior executives from adidas, APL Logistics, Bayer MaterialScience, BGMEA, CMAI, FTA, Hirdaramani, HKRITA, Lanier Clothes, Larimode, Ministry of Kenya, New Balance, OTTO, HuaShen, PVH, TAL, Under Armour, Weave and VF will speak in PSF2015. Click here for the latest speaker list.

We welcome all registered delegates to the Cocktail Reception for the 10th anniversary of PSF at the Sheraton Hong Kong. Kindly present your entry badge for admission.

The Delegate Notes have been sent to registered delegates today. If you have not registered for attending PSF2015 yet, contact us please or click here for immediate registration.

Join Alvanon, Bayer MaterialScience, CTI, GAFTI, Micro-Pak, SBS, Super Dry and Weave to reach out your existing and potential clients. Contact us for details of the PSF2016 sponsorship opportunities.

Source: Bayer MaterialScience |
Materials innovation is key to address industry’s call for sustainability. However, the conventional supply chain and its traditional values are no longer adequate to drive such innovation.
How can brand owners, manufacturers and material suppliers collaborate with each other for the advancement of product innovation, material sourcing, production, design and delivery on the apparel and footwear supply chain?
Solutions can be found at PSF2015. Register here now.
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Prime Source Forum is organised by Yeh Shen Ltd under licence of the APLF.
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