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26 November, 2008 |
2D |
Superior Room Package
高級客房住宿優惠 |
Superior Room at HK$680 with Complimentary Dinner Buffet for Two
港幣680元 入住高級客房及免費享用兩位自助晚餐
Package Privileges
- 1 night stay at Superior Room (350 sq.ft.)
- Daily dinner buffet for two at La Scala
- Daily newspaper
- Complimentary use of Definition Health Club — gymnasium, 40–M outdoor heated swimming pool, outdoor Jacuzzi, sauna and steam bath
- Complimentary shuttle bus service between the Hotel and Tsimshatsui (subject to hotel schedule and availability)

- Valid from December 1 – 3, 2008 inclusive.
- The above room rate is subject to 10% service charge per room per night
- The above room rate is 10% commissionable to bonafide travel agents.
- Advance non-refundable deposit for whole staying period is required upon making reservation.
- Package offer is applicable for single or double occupancy
- Package offer(s) cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions or discounts.
- Rates are subject to change without prior notice.
- Royal Plaza Hotel reserves the right of final decision in case of any disputes.
- 有效日期: 2008年12月01日 至 2008年12月03日止
- 以上價目需每晚另加10%的服務費
- 以上價目持牌旅行社回佣10%
- 確認預訂房間時需全數支付房間費用,所付款項將不獲退還
- 優惠適用於單人及雙人入住
- 住宿優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用
- 房間之確認視乎酒店客房供應情況而定。價目如有更改,恕不另行通知
- 如有任何爭議,帝京酒店保留最終之決定權
Click here for more information about other room packages!