2 Furthermore, we have been working on improving our facilities and
resources including working towards establishing QMS 9001:2008 in Management
in order to provide a higher quality and comprehensive standard of service.
We are pleased to
announce the professional
newcomers of
New-Health as follows:

Suresh Aswani
Quality Manager
M.Sc. (ClinMicrobiology),

Dr. John T H Wong
Specialist in Cardiology
MBBS Hons. (Monash),
MRCP (UK), FHKCP, FHKAM (Medicine), FRCP RCPS(Glasgow), FACC

Steve Willcox
Individual, Couple & Family Therapist / Program
Manager (LGBT)
MSocSc (Dist), GDipC (Dist), GDipPH, DipPM, BA.

Julia Minsberg
Clinical Psychologist
MA (ClinPsyh), BA (Cum Laude) Psyh
You may visit our
website at http://www.neohealth.com.hk/en/professional-team.html for a full profile of our professional team.
您可以訪問我們的網站http://www.neohealth.com.hk/en/professional-team.html 以進一步了解我們每一個專業團隊的個人資料。