

与普立万一起解读2021色彩灵感趋势以及自然色彩系列 网络研讨会 3月25日 下午14:30


Dear Customers

谢谢您的关注, 我们将会于3月24日通过邮件给报名成功的客户发送参与微信研讨会指南,请注意查收。如您还未报名,您可点以下链接直接在线报名。也欢迎您参与会议调研,让我们知道您对会议内容的期望和想法。我们会在报名成功的客户中抽取20名送上精美礼品!诚挚期望与您在3月25日的空中相遇!

Thanks for your interest, we will send you the guide of how to participate WeChat Webinar by e-mail on March 24th . If you have not sign up, you can click this link or following button for registration. Also welcome you to participate the webinar survey to let us know your expectation about the webinar content and ideas. We have prepared lucky draw to 20 customers who registered successfully. We are looking forward to meeting you on the air on March 25.

点击报名微信网络研讨会 Sign up for webinar 会议调研 Webina survey

您可以点击以下链接了解更多Color Inspiration 2021+OnColorTM Naturals产品信息。

We would like to give you more information about Color Inspiration 2021+ and OnColorTM Naturals from the links as follows:

Color Inspiration 2021+ OnColorTM  Naturals

如您有任何需求,欢迎联系我们。 您可通过下列二维码关注微信公众号,点击菜单栏“万集所需”中的“咨询服务”提交您的需求,我们相关销售会在24小时之内与您联系。

If you have any requirements, please scan PolyOne WeChat QR code and follow PolyOne WeChat account, and then click menu bar of “万集所需” to find “咨询服务”. You can input your requirements here, and our sales will contact you within 24 hours.

祝 工作顺利

Best Regards


PolyOne Corporation

PolyOne Official WeChat

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