Long fibre composites are known for their excellent properties that include strength, toughness and durability.
Long fibre composites are known for their excellent properties that include strength, toughness and durability. At higher aspect ratio, the reinforced fibres are extended longer, yet with the strength and durability that enable them to withstand distortion and retain their shape when subjected to heavy load. |
Improved structural performance of long fibre composites
SABIC has collaborated with Dongfeng Motors, one of the largest truck manufacturers in China, on the development of a novel plastic composite hybrid solution to produce a strong lightweight truck-mounted toolbox. The application is made with a combination of SABIC’s STAMAXTM resin, a long glass fibre polypropylene (PP). More... |
Large-capacity multi-auxiliary injection unit
Mold-Masters has introduced its largest capacity E-Multi, the EM5. E-Multi is an all-electric, servo driven auxiliary injection unit that offers proven precision, repeatability, versatility, and reliability. More...
Antimicrobial surface protection and identification
Pylon Coatings has been formulating, supplying and supporting premium coatings for the industry since 1950. One of the most successful developments in recent years has been the Bio-Guard Coating range that creates more hygienic surfaces with the use of Polygiene Biomaster. More...
How science and technology will reshape life in 2030
In the next 10–15 years, scientific and technological progress will change the industrial structure and global economic growth, and will profoundly change people's lives, according to an article published on Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences. More...