In an industrial environment, conducting analytics at an individual device can provide significant cost
In an industrial environment, conducting analytics at an individual device can provide significant cost and resource savings compared to data processing using a purely cloud-based method. This method refers to streaming data from multiple devices to one centralized store and conducting data analysis there. |
Embracing the edge
According to Google Trends data, web searches for edge computing have increased by a colossal 473% in the last five years. Clearly, there’s an appetite for understanding the edge — but the technology has yet to be widely deployed in industrial applications. Nevzat Ertan Chief Architect & Global Manager for Digital Machining Architecture at Sandvik Coromant, explains the misconceptions and barriers of edge computing for manufacturers, and argues the case for embracing the edge. More... |
Bin picking made easy
Bin picking is playing an increasingly large role in automation and is one of the most difficult tasks. The robot must recognize different objects chaotically arranged and, in some cases, with complex geometries. It must remove the object from the container without collision, bring it into an orientated position and transfer it to the machine. Setting up the interaction between the components, bin and gripper requires experience and expertise from the operator.
How digital twins can save mobility market from expensive errors
Digital twins have accelerated innovation and unlocked new business models in the mobility sector. DTs assist OEMs in designing and validating new products and features in the virtual environment before creating a physical prototype. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic and increasing digitalization have highlighted the importance of DTs as they enable remote monitoring and control (RMC) in manufacturing. More...
A platform for more insight
The large machine builders have their own platforms, have resources in software development, and are making the first digital services available to their industrial customers. But how do small or medium-sized machine builders manage this? The developers at Lenze focus precisely on this target group with their platform idea. Timo Schuler is a software engineer and has been working for a smaller special machine manufacturer for a good two years. More...
Digital solutions to accelerate smart manufacturing transition
The integration of digital solutions in industrial production is a significant development that started years ago. In Southeast Asia, digital technology is now seen as the way to go towards improving productivity and end-product quality, as well as reducing material waste. Mr. Roger Bitterlin, ENGEL Regional President Southeast Asia and Mr. Aram Tongurai, ENGEL Thailand Managing Director share how ENGEL's industrial digital solutions can benefit plastics manufacturers in Southeast Asia. More...
Digitalisation increases equipment life of pumps
About 20% of industrial machinery manufacturers are expected to invest 10% of their annual revenues in the next three years on digitalisation. However, historically, pumps and valves have been among the last devices to be digitalised in plants. Here, Marek Lukaszczyk, Europe and Middle East marketing manager at the motors and drives specialist WEG, looks at how Industry 4.0 has evolved to now support increased equipment life in pumps. More...
Challenges in the post-Covid era
The global market is in turmoil in the post-Covid era, and manufacturers must reduce their cost burden to deal with the unexpected increase in cost control risks. HCI Converting Equipment Co., Ltd is actively developing green technologies to achieve highly automated and intelligent manufacturing processes in order to meet new challenges. At the moment, manufacturers can retain better capital flexibility and adapt to the current rapidly changing market by using HCI's automated equipment. More...