Sun Tzu and the Art of Sales Negotiation 孙子兵法 之 销售谈判实战
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 22 Jun 2012
孙子兵法 之 销售谈判实战
sun tzu and the art of winning
sales negotiations in china


Do you face the following sales negotiation challenges in China?

  • 对手老在压价,而我方始终抬不了价格
    Unable to overcome price pressures
  • 对手既要价格低,又要服务、质量好,这实在是太难了
    Customers want it cheap, good and perfect, which is all too impossible to provide
  • 尽管合作了那么久,我方始终还是无法摸清对方的底牌
    Even after dealing with the customer for a long time, we still haven't quite figure out what the customer is thinking
  • 原先谈好的条款,对方后来又在条款以外要了很多东西,我方到底是给还是不给
    Customers tend to ask for additional requirements outside of the negotiated agreements, which we aren't sure whether to concede or not
  • 有些事情实在是不得不跟对方说“不”,但却不知道怎么开口
    There are certain things that we need to say "no" to customers, but we're not sure how to do so without offending them
  • 详细课程大纲可点击 这里 下载
    Please download the full programme outline here

讲师介绍 About the Facilitator

CJNg _ 2.jpg

c.j. 老师是 美国培训与发展协会 (ASTD) 2009 年国际大会的特邀演讲嘉宾,也是ASTD国际大会有史以来唯一受邀演讲的亚洲销售咨询师。他曾帮助许多跨国企业获得了在中国销售业绩方面的显著突破。 迄今为止,c.j.已帮助:

  • 国际化工行业领头如 德固赛空气化工GE 塑料 等企业以更高的价格创造更出色业绩
  • 国际建材佼佼者如 圣戈班飞利浦照明英格索兰 等企业以更高的价格创造更出色业绩
  • 国际品牌酒店如 洲际酒店集团索菲特喜达屋 培育高效销售总监

与此同时,许多知名跨国公司如:IBM、BMW、PwC、联合利华、戴尔、爱普森、贺力士、 空气化工、中国电信、德州仪器、飞利浦医疗、中外运、TNT、开利空调、杰尼亚、施华诺世奇、罗氏制药、雅诗阁国际酒店式公寓、 施贵宝、平安保险、美国运通企业信用卡、香港贸发局等也颇受益于 c.j.的经验和知识……

c.j. is the 1st Asian sales force effectiveness expert invited to speak at the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) Conference. He has so far helped improved sales performance by improving the capabilities of sales people and managers of well-known companies such as Evonik, Epson, and InterContinental Hotels Group, just to name a few...

谁该前来参会?  For Whom?

Anyone who needs to negotiate with Chinese customers

客户鉴言  Testimonials

“客户第一次和淘课网联系时,希望淘课网能提供一次销售、营销方面的培训。几天后,由于客户的培训时间有所变动,客户所选的讲师这个时间段又被安排了其它培训项目,而客户因为已经下发了培训通知,时间上也不 能有所调整。为了保证客户的培训能按预定的时间进行,淘课网在三天的时间内选择了c.j.老师,并且最终获得了93.75%的高满意率!!”


"c.j. Ng is an excellent sales trainer. He serves you outstanding expertise seasoned with a surprising knowledge about your industry and company, that adds up to a tailor-made menu for your specific needs and requirements. He is able to spot your short-comings and work with you to eliminate them. No matter whether you work with him professionally or just have a conversation over a cup of coffee, you have a guarantee to learn something for your career and have a good time on top of that"

Roy Schoettle, Regional Business Manager, Asia, Flint Group







DATE:   22nd Jun  2012

09:00 - 17:00 hrs

VENUE: 汤臣锦江洲际酒店 • 上海浦东张杨路777号 • InterContinental Shanghai Pudong • 777 Zhangyang Road • Shanghai • China
FEE:   RMB 2,450/=


为了让这次培训达到更好的效果,学员人数仅限 15 人。请将您的报名信息 e-mail 至

(86) 400-677-6093 以安排内训事项。 

To make this a more conducive discussion, we are expecting a small group of about 15 people only  Please e-mail your registrations to

If you need us to customise inhouse programmes for you, please contact (86) 400-677-6093 to arrange for an appointment to discuss further.


Additional Resources

您可以点击以下链接下载 c.j. 老师关于销售战略 与技巧方面视频。

您也可以 点击这里 下载 c.j. 老师的《通过激励销售团队以提升销售业绩》培训课件。

Download videos:

or Audio: How to Pay Less and Get More Results for Your Sales Training in China

or PPT: "Why Some Sales People Succeed While Others Fail".




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Mailing Address: Shui Cheng Nan Road 51 Lane No. 9 Suite 202 Shanghai 201103 China