
Despite the prevalence of virtual meetings and communications, we haven't learnt much about how to communicate or conduct meetings online.  Despite the huge differences between face-to-face and virtual meetings, most meeting and communication skills training is still conducted for the former, not the latter. 尽管虚拟会议及沟通已经很普遍,我们还是没掌握好虚拟沟通所需的技巧。尽管虚拟会议与面对面的会议大有不同,大部分的会议及沟通技巧培训还是专注在前者, 而并非后者。


Here are some typical challenges that are unique to virtual meetings and communications  一般企业的电话、虚拟会议及沟通都经常出现以下一些情况:


§   Your objectives for the meeting is not perceived in the same way as the other party  你会议的目的并不被对方认可;

§   You face resistance to your ideas despite your best intentions  尽管你用心良苦,你的建议还是受到对方的阻力、反驳;

§   At the end of the virtual meeting, no one sticks to an action plan  在虚拟会议结束后,没人按照行动计划办事 etc. 等等


This programme is created based on real virtual communication case studies so that you gain maximum buy-in and participation in your virtual meeting and communication.  本课程是根据虚拟会议实案量身订造而成,从而让你通过你的虚拟会议能够获得对方的认同与支持。

      地  点 :
汤臣锦江洲际酒店 上海浦东张杨路777
InterContinental Shanghai Pudong
777 Zhangyang Road Shanghai China  

日  期:
2012年6月29日 星期五
(09:00 - 17:00)

RMB 2480元/课程/人次



报名热线 :


Time 时间

Day 1 第一天


·         The 7 Sins of Virtual Meetings

1.     People don't take virtual meetings seriously  人们不把电话、虚拟会议当回事

2.     Confusing activity with achievement  将会议议程与会议结果混淆

3.     Nothing happens once the meeting ends  会议结束时没任何行动

4.     People wander off the topic  参会者偏离主题

5.     Lack of preparation  准备不够充分

6.     Too much information  过多的信息

7.     Failing to improve  会议议程从没改进

·         Virtual Communication Guidelines  虚拟会议准则

o   Customise the agenda for each call, and stick to it  拟定并遵循每次会议议程

o   Communicate with clarity  清晰地沟通

o   Listen for what they are thinking, and how they are feeling  聆听对方的想法与感受

o   Proactively seek to understand their concerns  主动了解对方的顾虑

o   Seek alternatives  找寻折中应对措施

o   Say "no" without offending them  在不得罪对方的前提下说“不”

o   Get them state their action plans, and hold them accountable  让对方拟定他们的行动计划,并使他们为自己的计划负责



Tea Break  茶歇


·         Customise the agenda for each call, and stick to it  拟定并遵循每次会议议程

o   How to prepare an agenda so others come prepared  如何撰写能让大家做充分准备的会议议程

o   Make the agenda concise and straight-to-the-point  确保会议议程简介、到点

o   Ensuring the agenda achieves your meeting objectives  确保会议议能取得你会议目标

·         Communicate with clarity  清晰地沟通

o   Separate the presentation from the report  将演示文件与汇报报告区分

o   Making your materials easy to read  确保你的资料易读易懂

o   Ensure everyone is on the same page  确保大家都在同一页上

o   Speak clearly  咬字清晰




·         Listen for what they are thinking, and how they are feeling  聆听对方的想法与感受

o   Level 1 listening: listening to your own thoughts and feelings第一层聆听:聆听你自身的思路与感觉

o   Level 2 listening: asking clarifying questions and summarising their key points  第二层聆听:向对方提问做澄清并总结对方的重点

o   Level 3 listening: listening for their thoughts and feelings  第三层聆听:聆听对方的思路与感觉

o   Role plays  演练

o   Debrief  点评

·         Proactively seek to understand their concerns  主动了解对方的顾虑

o   Intervening when you don't get a response  在你得不到对方反应时做出介入

o   Proactively ask their concerns after you make your recommendations  在你提出你的建议后主动询问对方的顾虑

o   Seek alternatives after understanding their situation 在了解对方的情况后寻找折中解决办法

o   Encourage them to be positive and come up with ideas 让对方建立信心已提出更多的建议

o   Role plays  演练

o   Debrief  点评


Tea Break   茶歇


·         Say "no" without offending them  在不得罪对方的前提下说“不”

o   Give alternative sources of solutions, rather than straight rejections给于对方解决问题的渠道,胜于直接回绝对方

o   Avoid arguments  避免争论

o   Using parallel thinking to see things of one another's points of views  使用平行思考模式以互相换位思考

o   Don't force them into taking your recommendation不要强求对方才那你的建议

·         Get them state their action plans, and hold them accountable  让对方拟定他们的行动计划,并使他们为自己的计划负责

o   They can reject your recommendations, but they have to come up with an action plan  对方可以不认可你的建议,但他们必须得做出下一步行动的计划

o   Instead of you telling them what they need to do, get them tell you what they will do  与其你告诉对方该做些什么,不如让对方告诉你他们会做些什么

o   Make sure there are no excuses for not telling you what actions they will take  确保对方不给你任何没有下一步行动计划的借口

o   They can change their plans later, but they must have a broad direction right now  对方可以更改他们的计划,但他们必须给你一个大致的方向


·         Summary of key learning points  课程总结

·         Evaluation  课程评估

At the end of the training, participants will be able to :

1)    Get better responses and buy-in in a virtual meeting  在虚拟会议中增进对方的反应及支持

2)    Ensure that the preparation for the virtual meeting is adequate for optimal impact  确保虚拟会议的准备充分,已获得最优化的效果;以及

3)    Adapt to the needs of different virtual meetings  按照不同的虚拟会议性质做相应的调整

This workshop consists of a lively series of short participative lectures conveyed using plain uncomplicated explanations.  Learning will be facilitated through exercises and case studies.  Ample seminar materials will be given to participants so that these will be a constant source of reference to them.  Ample time will be allotted for group discussion.  


Anyone who has to conduct virtual meetings or make virtual presentations frequently 


c.j. Ng    黄常捷


c.j.是美国培训与发展协会(ASTD2009国际会的特邀演讲嘉宾也是ASTD国际大会有史以来唯一受邀演讲的亚洲销售咨询师。他是一位值得您信赖的销售领域的咨询顾问,曾帮助许多跨国企业获得了在中国及其他区域销售业绩方面的显著突破。 迄今为止,c.j.已帮助:

  1. 国际500强企业如 IBM联合利华 普华永道 经理于总监如何与他们的团队沟通、协调、决策

  2. 世界领先的制药公司如 施贵宝罗氏 辉瑞 的高层管理如何与他们的团队引起共鸣、激励队员以提升绩效。

  3. 全球建材行业佼佼者如 飞利浦照明圣戈班英格索兰 的销售团队提升销售技能,以创造非凡业绩




   与此同时,许多知名跨国公司如:爱普森、德州仪器、贺利士、AMD、泛达网络、中国电信、西杰、西门子、用友软件、阿尔卡特、宝钢、强生医疗 、飞利浦医疗、特菱空调、开利空调、GE 塑料、Invitrogen、中外运、 空气化工、瓦克化工、杜拉维特、德固赛、杰尼亚、杉杉服装、欧莱雅、洲际酒店集团、雅诗阁国际酒店式公寓、马来西亚航空、索菲特中国、百胜餐饮、荣格传媒集团 、平安保险、安盛人寿、美国运通企业信用卡、香港管理协会、香港贸发局、新加坡管理协会 等也颇受益于 c.j.的经验和知识。


      c.j.Marcus Evans、新加坡展览服务、新加坡管理学院的常邀演讲嘉宾,他是一位精通英中文的双语培训师,以中文为新加坡、马来西亚、和中国的众多听众进行了诸多培训。他同时也是国际讲师协会中国分会的创会会员。


     c.j.曾在新加坡管理学院、新加坡市场学院的会员杂志、以及《海峡时报》的刊物上发表了系列文章。c.j.拥有英国伦敦大学管理荣誉学位De Montfort大学的计算机研究生学位证书。与此同时,他也是 Leadership IQ 在亚洲的首席培训师。