c.j. 老师是 美国培训与发展协会 (ASTD) 2009 年国际大会的特邀演讲嘉宾,也是ASTD国际大会有史以来唯一受邀演讲的亚洲销售咨询师。迄今为止,c.j.已帮助:
- 国际化工行业领头如 德固赛、空气化工、GE 塑料 等企业以更高的价格创造更出色业绩
- 国际建材佼佼者如 圣戈班、飞利浦照明、英格索兰 等企业以更高的价格创造更出色业绩
- 国际品牌酒店如 洲际酒店集团、索菲特、喜达屋 培育高效销售总监
与此同时,许多知名跨国公司如:IBM、BMW、PwC、联合利华、爱普森、贺力士、空气化工、中国电信、德州仪器、中外运、TNT、开利空调、杰尼亚、施华诺世奇、罗氏制药、施贵宝、平安保险、香港贸发局等也颇受益于 c.j.的经验和知识……
c.j. is the 1st Asian sales force effectiveness expert
invited to speak at the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD)
Conference. He has so far helped improved sales performance by improving the
capabilities of sales people and managers of well-known companies such as
Delphi Packard, Epson, and
InterContinental Hotels Group, just to
name a few...
客户鉴言 Testimonials
"c.j. Ng is an excellent sales trainer. He serves you
outstanding expertise seasoned with a surprising knowledge about your industry
and company, that adds up to a tailor-made menu for your specific needs and
requirements. He is able to spot your short-comings and work with you to
eliminate them."
Roy Schoettle, Regional Business Manager, Asia,
Flint Group