A warm welcome to the Year of
the Monkey!
Apart from that, it might be
all bad news as the economy for 2016 might
not be as fantastic as it used to
be. For many companies, that could
mean downsizing and retrenchment.
For other companies, it could also mean
going after new customers, who might be
the competitors' current customers.
Part of the challenge to
develop new customers is to find out what
the customer is thinking, and explore potential needs.
The challenge within that challenge
is: many customers may not be willing
to share those information with you
Hence, this
month's topics:
How to Find
Out Anything from Your Customers; and
Why You
Should Ask Questions Like A 2-Year
This issue's main article is on "How
to Find Out Anything from Your
and we explore what are some effective
questioning techniques to get to the
truth of what your customer is
In brief:
To read the rest of this
newsletter, pls.
here (http://www.psycheselling.com/page4.html).
to Find Out Anything from Your
by c.j. Ng
was a former Sales Support Engineer
whom had just join to become a sales
person recently.
Just like all sales people,
Chris went through a typical sales
training workshop to get him up to
speed with the required selling
skills. And just like all
typical sales training, there was an
emphasis on asking questions
to find out customers' needs, and then
suggest the right solutions to fulfil
those needs.
The premise for asking questions
are very simple:
Ask more
than close questions, as open
questions will get customers share
more information;
Start by asking about
the customer's
then gradually narrow down to
general needs, to specific needs, to
understanding the consequences of
not fulfilling those needs, and
finally the benefits or pay-offs for
being able to fulfil those needs.
After a few rounds of role plays,
Chris felt confident enough to take
the plunge and do some serious probing
of customers' needs.
started out by asking questions, "Hi,
I'd like to find out what are some
possible needs you have for our
products?" It was an open
question, and Chris felt it should be
a good start.
need," came the replies, as was the
case for most of the customers. For
the remaining few who are willing
give a different answer, they in
turn asked Chris a question, "How
much does your product cost?"
Chris duly answered, "Oh, the price
range is from $x to $y, depending on
your quantities and level of
"Too expensive,"
came the answer.
facing a number of rejections
despite asking open questions, Chris
felt demoralised. He starts to
wonder if he had made the right
choice switching from a
Sales Support role, to a sales role.
Getting Better Responses
from the Questions You Ask
If the
customer is not familiar with the sales person, it is
very likely that the customer is
going to be very
about answering your
questions. They are not too
sure if whatever they say might be
used in your favour, against them.
it might make sense to start with a
Purposeful Opening Statement, just
to let the customer understand that
it is very much also in their favour
if you can get some insights for
your questions, such as:
"I'd like to find out if there are
effective ways to achieve lesser
downtime for your production.
Is it OK that I ask a few questions
to understand your situation?"
Some things to note in the above
Opening Statement:
We DON'T ask if the
customer needs our
products or
services. Instead, we ask
them if we could help them
achieve, resolve
or avoid
We seek the customer's
permission to proceed and
ask them more
questions. And we do
so using a short and
simple closed question.
Make your Purposeful
Opening Statement as clear
and concise
as possible.
Now that we get permission
to proceed, we go to the
next phase, which is to
understand the customer's
current situation.
Most sales people perceive
this wrongly by asking:
If the customer
is asking is happy or
unhappy with their
current supplier (of
which the customer will
say they are happy
regardless of how they
actually feel); and
If the customer
has a current need for
your products and
solutions (in which
case, their needs are
going to be in the
future, if they have a
need anyway);
The real crux of understanding
the customer's situation, are
genuinely curious
about what the customer is
doing, and have a sincere
appreciation of their
Develop insights and gain
a deep
about the customer's
Be a good listener, not
just about what the
customer said, but also
what are some of the
non-verbal signals that
the customer might be
transmitting to you
examples of situational questions
may include:
"How do you go about
developing new products?"
"What are the various actions
you take to ensure zero
"What are some of your best
selling products? What
makes them sell so well?"
"How long is your typical
production cycle?"
"How do you manage your
inventory levels in the case
of fluctuating market
While these
questions might not help pinpoint to you
the specific needs the customers might
have, it gives you the context of what
the customer is doing, and also allows
the customer to build trust and
rapport by
sharing some information of what they
Difference Between Where You Are, and
Where You Want to Be
As the main purpose of
asking questions in sales is to find out
the needs of the customer, then the
customer's "needs" can be defined as
"The Difference
between Where You are, and Where
You Want to Be"
The mistake that
most sales people make is to ask the
customer if they need our products or
solutions. Unfortunately,
don't have any needs for our
products or solutions
unless they know we can help them get
from where they are now, to where they
want to be.
Hence, we don't
start with asking customers what
products or solutions they want.
We probe into areas where the customer
may not be entirely happy about, and
explore ways that will give them a
better result.
Some sales people
understand this principle, and ask the
customer questions such as:
"So how are
your current suppliers doing?"
"What is the
current price you are getting?" OR
"What are the
areas that are not performing well
in your operations?"
Asking such
questions will only get customers to
give a non-answer (e.g. "oh, we are
quite happy with our current suppliers"
or "That will be confidential
Instead, you will
need to structure your questions from
multiple angles to get to some real and
hidden needs that your customers might
Your Questioning Strategy
Unlike what most
sales training will advocate, your
questioning strategy will be a lot more
complex than merely asking to find out
about problems, negative consequences of
not solving those problems, and the
pay-offs or positive results of solving
those same problems.
To start with, you may want to
structure your questions to cover
various aspects that you would like to
find out about
Here are some angles that you may want
to consider:
Questions to
understand more about the customer’s
current business situation;
Questions to
understand the customer’s selection
Questions to
understand about the customer’s
product needs;
Questions to
ask to progress the sale;
Questions to
ask ONLY when finalising the deal
And here are some
Questions to
understand more about the customer’s
current business situation:
How is business? How will
business be in the next 1-2
What are some key initiatives
the company will be implementing
this year?
What are some new products that
you will be launching in the
near future
What are some areas that you
would like to be improved? Why
are those important?
Questions to
understand the customer’s selection
If you were to work with a new
supplier, what will be some of
your criteria?
What else is important? Why?
If we are able to provide better
stability of quality and
delivery cycles, how will that
impact your business?
Questions to
understand about the customer’s
product needs:
What are some of the specs
What will be some of the key
objectives that must be
What key areas of support do you
need? What else?
Between price and consistent
quality, which will be MORE
important to you?
What will be your biggest
priorities? Productivity,
reducing defects or developing
new products quickly?
Questions to
ask to progress the sale:
To sum up, this is what we have
discussed. Is that right? Do you
have anything to add?
Who else should we involve in
our future discussions?
What could be some of your
concerns with regard to our
proposed solution?
What do suggest will be our next
Questions to
ask ONLY when finalising the deal:
How much quantities do you need?
And by when?
What will be your payment terms?
When would you like to start?
The list of
questions does not stop here for your
questioning strategy. At times,
you may ask more or fewer number of
questions, depending on whom you are
meeting, as well as the context of your
Whatever it is, no matter how
experienced you are as a sales person,
you cannot simply "wing it"
and enter a sales meeting unprepared
with the questions you want to
ask. You will need to plan
ahead with at least a few questions to
cover the various aspects that you would
want to discuss with your customer.
Need help
in finding out
whatever your customer is willing or
unwilling to share with you? Simply
info@directions-consulting.com or
call +86-21-6219 0021 or WeChat:
cydj001 and arrange to have a
deeper discussion.
Breakfast Hour: 10 Mar 2016
How to Find Out
Anything from Your
Why despite
being trained in sales
questioning techniques,
many sales people still
could not get the
answers they want from
their customers;
How to prepare and
structure your questions
so that you make your
customers comfortable
providing you with
How to prepare and structure your questions so that you make your customers comfortable providing you with answers.
How to
develop a questioning
strategy that gives with
well-rounded answers and
insights from your customer.
Read on... ...
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Road) • 上海银星皇冠酒店 • 番禺路 400 号 (靠法华镇路)
DATE: Thursday, 10 Mar 2016
08:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
To make this a
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expecting a small group of about 15
people only. The room can only take in
18, so please register early to avoid
disappointments. Please e-mail your
registrations too
check out our web sites
for more inspiration.
Tips for Questioning
You Should Ask Questions
Like A 2-Year Old
O. Pyle and
with the curiosity of a
the six interrogatives: Who,
What, When, Where, Why, and
that on top of follow-up
sure to cover all four of
the discovery areas: people,
places, things, and events
in time
This may appear
simplistic, but after countless
hours of analyzing questioning
techniques of White House
correspondents, senior
executives, criminal lawyers,
and many other professionals who
have a reputation for asking
good questions, the results were
shocking. It seems there’s often
an inverse relationship between
professional stature and the
ability to question well. The
likely reason is that highly
accomplished people tend to
store so much in their minds,
and require such an abundance of
information to do their jobs
well, that their questions lack
clarity. They reflect agendas
and assumptions. They ask for
more than one fact at a time. As
a result of such convoluted
questioning styles, the answers
they get often frustrate them:
They are incomplete or
Follow the equation and you will
see immediate improvements in
your interviewing.
Think like A Two-Year Old
Jim begins classes teaching
interrogators how to question
with the same scenario. It
begins with the class being told
to pretend they are two years
old and about to see a picture
of someone for the first time.
And then they see Santa Claus:
“Who’s that?”
“That’s Santa Claus. And he’s
coming to your house.”
“Why is he coming to my house?”
“To bring you something.”
“What will he bring?
“Toys. But he’s only coming on
one special night.”
“When is he coming?”
“Christmas Eve. And not only is
he coming to your house and he’s
going to all the houses where
children live all over the world
— all in one night!”
“How can he do that?”
The very sight of the jolly fat
man brings out the kid in almost
everyone. Anyone who genuinely
commits to a two-year-old
mentality will probably not
deviate from good questions in
the Santa Claus exchange.
Use the Interrogatives
A good question should start
with an interrogative: Who,
What, When, Where, Why. “Do
you…” “Are you…”
“Would you…” and other
variations require a one-word
answer only: “Yes” or
“No.” An interview is
designed to engage a candidate,
so narrative responses are
essential. Asking a
yes-or-no question may get a
person talking, but only because
he or she instinctively knows
that you want more than a yes or
no. In other words, if you ask a
question like that, you
immediately surrender a certain
amount of control over the
dialogue. This is
precisely what those White House
correspondents do wrong in press
conferences, with the
predictable result being that
the President talks about
whatever he wants to talk about.
Once you ask a good question and
you get an answer, you cannot
assume that you got a complete
answer, or that what you just
heard was the only answer.
As Jim has told thousands of
human intelligence collection
students, “After you get an
answer, ask that question
again.” Particularly with
a key question such as, “What
work experience qualifies you
for the position
available?” The first
answer may be a rephrasing of
language in the job description,
hyperbole related to a previous
job, or wishful thinking, that
is, an answer that the candidate
hopes will delight you.
There are two types of questions
that allow you to do the proper
follow up without sounding like
someone who wasn’t listening:
Repeat and Persistent.
Repeat Type Questioning
With repeat questions, you come
at the same information in two
different ways. For example, if
you asked, “How many times did
you manage trade show logistics
for your company?” the person
you’re speaking with might
respond, “Seven.” Later
on, when you’re talking with him
about trade shows, you might
ask, “What was the toughest
challenge you had each time you
managed logistics for your
company?” If he responds
by telling you about four
challenges, you might wonder why
you weren’t hearing about
seven. It’s not an
absolute test, but it either
gives value and credence to what
he said before, or should prompt
more questioning about his
Persistent Type Questioning
In any exchange in which more
than one answer might be given
to a question, use persistent
questioning to get a complete
answer. Like repeat
questions, persistent questions
are also useful if you suspect
that the person is not being
“Where did you travel for your
company in a sales capacity?”
might elicit the answer, “The
West Coast.” Although it’s
possible that the West Coast is
the only place, it’s logical to
follow that question with,
“Where else?” Bypassing that
repeat question and going
straight to questions about
where she made West Coast sales
calls means that you miss the
opportunity to get a complete
picture of your candidate’s
sales experience in the field
unless that information happens
to leak out at some other time.
Cover All the Discovery Areas
Go into the interview with
questions that cover people,
places, things, and events in
time. By considering what
you might need to know in all
four discovery areas, you are
less likely to miss asking about
important topics.
For example, if you ask the
candidate about a project that
she has labelled a key
accomplishment in her career,
you might hear details about
where it occurred, what the
deliverables were, and how long
it took to complete. By
adding a people-oriented
question — “Who were your
stakeholders on this project?” —
you might elicit a much clearer
sense of how she perceived the
mission of the project.
To find out how you can
achieve results for your
questioning techniques, be
that for sales, hiring or
performance reviews, you can
info@directions-consulting.com or call +86-21-6219 0021 or
WeChat: cydj001
Directions Management Consulting
Directions Management Consulting is the
partner of
LeadershipIQ in
China and Asia.
helps more than 125,000 leaders
every year through the facts
drawn from one of the largest
ongoing leadership studies ever
conducted is used to help
companies apply resources where
the best possible results be
In addition, Directions
Management Consulting is a leading
provider of sales performance,
innovation and experiential
learning solutions in China and
many parts of Asia.
Using the Belbin Team
Role Profiling, Directions
Management Consulting helps
develop high performance teams
and leadership at every level.
Psycheselling.com is the
sales performance arm of
Directions Management Consulting
specialising in conducting
training, research and
consulting services for sales
managers and their team.
Raybattle is the
strategic partner of Directions
Management Consulting
specialising in experiential
learning events and management
Currently, Directions Management
Consulting has served clients
such as Delphi Packard,
InterContinental Hotels Group,
Alcoa Wheels, Standard Chartered
Bank, Merial, ThyssenKrupp,
Lowe's Global Sourcing, Diehl,
Kulzer Dental etc.
Management Consulting will
increase its efforts to conduct
leadership studies in China and
other parts of Asia, so that
more companies apply resources
where the best possible results
be achieved in this part of the
and suggestions, pls. e-mail
info@directions-consulting.com or visit