Participants in this workshop will learn to manage such cultural differences as well as leverage cultural similarities. Not only will participants gain self-and other- cultural awareness but will also develop key intercultural skills which will enable them to collaborate effectively across cultures and functions.
The key cultural skills are
Cultural Due Diligence – Assessing and preparing for the possible impact of culture and cultural differences.
Style Switching – Using a different behavioral approach to accomplish one’s goals
Cultural Dialogue – Exploring cultural differences and negotiating mutual adaptations.
The key deliverable in this program will be the formation of personal action plans by each participant on how they will execute these three skills within their own teams following this workshop. In effect, participants will devise strategies and timelines on how to bridge potential cultural and behavioral gaps.
In addition to exercises and case studies, this workshop utilizes Berlitz TMC’s Cultural Orientations Indicator (COI). The COI enables practical application, awareness, and skill development in a variety of professional, managerial, and leadership contexts. It provides a profile of preferences along 17 cultural continua that are classified within 3 cultural dimensions. A cultural continuum is the spectrum between two opposing cultural orientations. A cultural orientation is a specific, culture-based value.
Session Outline:
Developing Cultural Awareness:
What is Culture?
Values and beliefs
The Cultural Orientations Model
Exercise - Cultural continuum
Introduction to the Cultural Orientations Indicator
Cultural Due Diligence - Leveraging Culture:
Understanding your Cultural Orientations Indicator (COI) report
Paired Exercises based on COI reports
Case Studies
Group Breakouts - Identifying the underlying Cultural Orientations and potential challenges involved
Style Switching
Global Mindset
Communication and active listening across cultures
Case Studies - Identifying cultural gaps and potential challenges.
Style Switching - Scenarios and Exercises
Cultural Dialogue - Developing Highly Effective Multicultural Teams
Cultural Dialogue - helping others understand you
Multicultural Team Competency
Case Studies - Identifying specific strategies and tactics to bridge cultural differences at work
Action Planning
The Facilitator

Greg has over 30 years of global
management experience. He was the Deputy
Director of International Development
for Portman Properties, and interfaced
with key government leaders including
Mayors Wang Daohan, Jiang Zemin and Zhu
Rongji. . He later became the Deputy General Manager of
Shanghai Centre where he was involved in the administration
and human resource development of the Centre’s Chinese
staff. He was also the key contact with Shanghai Centre’s
Chinese partner and relevant government agencies and
bureaus. In fact, Greg helped coin the name “上海商城”, which is
the official Chinese name for the Shanghai Centre.
After nine years with the Portman Shanghai Centre Greg
assumed the position of Vice-President, Asia Pacific for
Joseph E. Seagram & Sons. In that role Greg was responsible
for the marketing, sales and distribution of Seagram
products throughout China. He was also responsible for
developing Chinese leaders within the Seagram organization,
and many of his protégés are now senior managers and leaders
in the beverages industry in China.
Fluent in Mandarin Chinese, Greg studied Chinese at the
prestigious Stanford University Language Center at National
Taiwan University in 1975. He also holds a Master of
International Management degree from the Thunderbird School
of Global Management.
Greg has extensive global business experience in China,
Japan, India, Europe and Latin America. He is a certified
practitioner and facilitator of the Cultural Orientation
Approach (COA), the Global Mindset Inventory (GMI),
developed by the Najafi Global Mindset Institute at the
Thunderbird School of Global Management, and Belbin Team
Roles. The GMI is a premier assessment tool to help
determine a global leader’s ability to be better prepared
for the opportunities, risks and challenges that come from
working across cultures in a globalized business market. The
Belbin Team Role Assessment is the Gold Standard in
measuring team leadership and performance. It combines
elements of self-assessment, 360-degree assessment and team
effectiveness assessment in one single assessment system.
Greg is also accredited with Harrison Assessments, a
leadership and talent assessment tool which measures 175
behavioral traits and employment engagement factors and with
Lumina Spark, Lumina Leadership, Lumina Sales and Lumina
Team. Greg is a member of the Worldwide Association of
Business Coaches (WABC).
You can watch Greg in action here: