Building a Team Culture that
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 太仓 2016 • 5  • 19

Hiring for Attitude


As high as 89% of hiring failures globally are due to attitudes, NOT skills.

And based on a 2012 study in China, more than 35% of new employees are NOT able to perform to expectations after a reasonable amount of time.

该调研还显示,超过50%的新招员工无法达至绩效期望更多是与他们的态度有关,而与他们的技能 或经验无关。
In this study, more than 50% of new hires who do not meet expectations are a result of having the wrong attitudes, rather than skills or relevant experience.

Yet, more than
70% of hiring managers still base their hiring criteria on skills and experience.

As such, hiring managers will have to assess the candidates’ attitudes and adaptability to fit into the new employer’s corporate culture so as to ensure hiring success.

Key Outline  主要内容:容:

  • 如何招聘合适的候选人:
    How to Hire Suitable Candidates
    • 如何了解一个岗位的核心成败因素
      Defining the critical success factors of a Job Role
    • 人选人过程中的合适度与合格度
      Suitability vs. Eligibility in hiring practices
    • 活动:拟定你下一个招聘新人所需的合适度及合格度的需求
      Exercise: Mapping the Suitability and Eligibility requirements of your next hire
    • 识别积极与消极的态度
      Identifying positive and negative attitudes  
  • 衡量面试中的态度
    Measuring Attitude in Interviews
    • 行为面试技巧如 STAR 及 BAR 的致命缺陷,及如何克服
      The shortfalls of behavioral interview techniques such as STAR and BAR, and how you overcome them
    • 如何能够精准了解对方的态度如何在极短的时间内知道应聘者是否能积极解决问题,还是消极面对难题
      How to accurately predict if the candidate is a problem-bringer or problem-solver  ·
    • 演练与点评  Role Plays and Debriefs


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与此同时,c.j.是 Leadership IQ 在亚洲的首席培训师以及团队发展与测评泰斗贝尔宾®的认证催化师。

许多知名跨国公司如:宝马、戴姆勒、菲亚特-克莱斯勒、李尔、德尔福、易杰特、泰科电子、莱尼电缆、惠普、赢创化工、洲际酒店集团 等也颇受益于 c.j. 老师的经验和知识……

c.j. is the Master Trainer for Leadership IQ in Asia and an Accredited Belbin Team Role Facilitator who have helped international companies achieve quantum improvements in business performances in China and beyond.

He has so far consulted for and trained the staff and managers of well-known companies such as Delphi Packard, Lear Corporation, TE Connectivity, Evonik and InterContinental Hotels Group, just to name a few ...


DATE:   2016 • 5 • 19
TIME:   下午 14:00 - 17:00 hrs
Taicang Home Base Food Salon and Beer • No.26-32 Dongcang South Road
太仓 Home Base 餐厅酒吧 • 东仓南路26-32号
FEE:   RMB 100/= ONLY!


为了让这次培训达到更好的效果,学员人数仅限 15 人。请将您的报名信息 e-mail 至
或拨打 (86) 021-6219 0021 咨询

If you need us to customise inhouse programmes for you, please contact (86) 021-6219 0021 to arrange for an appointment to discuss further.

谁该参加  For whom?

  • 负责招人、用人的经理
    Hiring Managers

  • 人力资源经理 
    HR Managers 

  • 学习与发展人员
    Learning and Development Professionals

Resource Downloads

Research Report:
The Impact of Chinese Corporate Culture on Employee Engagement


and here:


Organised by:


Mailing Address: Shui Cheng Nan Road 51 Lane No. 9 Suite 202 Shanghai 201103 China