Understanding People through their Hand-Writing
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 上海 2016 • 6  • 7

How to Read People through their Handwriting


字迹分析是一项通过 笔者的字迹、空格、字形等方面而解剖其思维、行为风格的 学问。 
Handwriting Analysis (or Graphology) is the science involved in producing a thinking and behavioural profile of the writer by examining the spacing, sizes and strokes of the individual's handwriting.

通过字迹分析您将可以了解一个人的潜意识思维、精 神状况、沟通方式及更多的信息。
Many things are revealed in your handwriting, such as one’s sub-conscious thoughts, mental states, preferred communication styles, and more! 

此沙龙将协助您通过字迹了解自己及他人,并探索双 方的潜意识所驱动的行为和思维。
This salon is designed to enable you to discover more about yourself, and as well as others, through handwriting.

欢迎大家携带本人及他人(如:同事、客户、 伙伴、家人)的字迹,跟我们一起通过字迹,读懂 他人 !
Feel free to bring your handwriting samples, as well as those from your colleagues, customers, partners and loved ones!

Key Outline  主要内容:

  • 字迹分析的基本原则
    Basic Principles of Handwriting Analysis:
    • 人 如其字:字迹如何体现大脑的运作
    • 如 何从第一印象着手
    • 字体的边界、大小、字距、速度 与 力度
    • 分 析字迹中的笔画 ;
  • 分析字迹样本:
    Analysing Handwriting Samples:
    • 字 迹样本越多,理应约准确、全面
    • 你 的角色及心态将如何影响你的字迹 ·
    • 分 析字迹样本
    • 演 练: 相互分析对方字迹


CJNg _ 2.jpg

c.j.是美国培训与发展协会 (ASTD)2009年国际大会的特邀演讲嘉宾,也是ASTD国际大会有 史以来唯一受邀演讲的结合领导力、销售及体验式培训于一身的亚洲咨询师。 他曾帮助许多跨国企业在国内外获得了显著、突破性的绩效。

与此同时,c.j.是 Leadership IQ 在亚洲的首席培训师以及团队发展与测评泰斗贝尔宾®的 认证催化师。

许多知名跨国公司如:宝马、东风汽 车、戴姆勒、菲亚特-克莱斯勒、李尔、德尔福、易杰特、TE、莱尼电缆、 惠普、赢创化工、 喜达屋、洲际酒店集团 等也颇受益于 c.j. 老师的经验和知识……

c.j. is the Master Trainer for Leadership IQ in Asia and an Accredited Belbin Team Role Facilitator who have helped international companies achieve quantum improvements in business performances in China and beyond.

He has so far consulted for and trained the staff and managers of well-known companies such as Sanofi, Lear Corporation, Juniper Networks, Evonik and InterContinental Hotels Group, just to name a few ...


DATE:   2016 • 6 • 7
TIME:   14:00 - 17:00 hrs
Shilong Road • No.951• Meitong Creative Center• Room 502• Shanghai
上海徐汇区石龙路951号• 美通科创空间502室• (靠上海南站)
FEE:   RMB 200/= ONLY!


为了让这次培训达到更好的效果,学员人数仅限 15 人。请将您的报名信息 e-mail 至
或拨打 (86) 021-6219 0021 咨询

If you need us to customise inhouse programmes for you, please contact (86) 021-6219 0021 to arrange for an appointment to discuss further.

谁该参加  For whom?

  • 人力资源经理  HR Managers 

  • 销售人员  Sales people 

  • 学习与发展人员
    Learning and Development Professionals

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