About the Event:
2016 年 6月3日
June 3 2016 |
14:00 - 17:00 |
Learning Square, Floor 3,
Talent Building, No 2 North
Changjiang Rd. Wu Xi New
District |
无锡新区人力资源协会会员: 免费; 非会员,200元/席
FREE for WXHRA's Member ;
RMB 200 for Non-Member |

The Harvard Business Review writes, “The number one most valuable skill for managers for the 21st century is the ability to work across cultures”.
As organisations become increasingly global, staff will not only need to become more culturally self-aware but they will also need to develop key cultural skills so that they may lead effectively across cultures.
This is not only true for Western expats or remote colleagues who are working in China but also for Chinese staff working in Western organizations, especially for those assuming more regional responsibilities
Furthermore, as companies undergo restructuring, mergers & acquisitions as well as other changes, managers are also tasked with the responsibilities of shaping and developing new cultures that will work well in the new paradigm.
This workshop utilizes Berlitz TMC’s Cultural Orientations Indicator (COI). The COI enables practical application, awareness, and skill development in a variety of professional, managerial, and leadership contexts. It provides a profile of preferences along 17 cultural continua that are classified within 3 cultural dimensions. A cultural continuum is the spectrum between two opposing cultural orientations. A cultural orientation is a specific, culture-based value.
此课程还将使用 Berlitz TMC 的COI 跨文化测评。COI将测试学员的3大分类的17项文化评估点,并让学员更有效地了解自己及他人的文化行为倾向。
In addition, we will analyse leadership styles in various cultures and discuss strategies for managing international teams, who may have different expectations from their leaders.

Workshop participants will:
Understand and be aware of the culture that they are in 了解和认识他们所在的企业文化;
Understand and be aware of their personal cultural preferences, and if there are gaps with the culture that they are in
Communicate effectively across different cultures;
Identify strategies to shape the culture within their companies, departments or teams so as to effect change and create new paradigms
General Managers, International Managers, Regional Heads or Function Heads who lead intercultural teams or managers who are on a global team
Expatriates working in China or elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region who want to enhance their effectiveness in cross-cultural work settings
Local staff in China and Asia-Pacific Region who needs to work closely with their Western Counterparts
With over 30 years of global management experience, Greg is a Global Executive Coach and Leadership Development Consultant specializing in the Asian market. He is currently the General Manager of Directions Management Consulting based in China specializing in intercultural executive coaching, global negotiations skills development and global team transformation.
He began living and working in Greater China nearly 40 years ago and later moved to Shanghai in 1985. He was the Deputy Director of International Development for Portman Properties, and in that role, participated in the early negotiations and development of the Portman Shanghai Centre project. During the development phase, Greg built trusting relationships with key government leaders including Mayors Wang Daohan, Jiang Zemin and Zhu Rongji. He later became the Deputy General Manager of Shanghai Centre where he was responsible for the management and human resource development of the Centre’s Chinese staff. He was also the key contact with Shanghai Centre’s Chinese partner and relevant government agencies and bureaus.
他曾是波特曼国际发展部的副部长,主要负责 《波特曼•上海商城》 计划的谈判及发展事宜。在担任该职务期间,魏老师接触过许多关键的政府部门领导,这其中包括了上海市市长汪道涵,中华人民共和国主席江泽民和国务院总理朱镕基。之后,他成为了上海商城的副总经理,负责行政及商城的中国员工发展工作。同时,他也是商城中方合作伙伴及有关政府部门主要联络人。事实上,正是魏老师为上海商城(Shanghai Centre)创造了其官方中文名称——上海商城。
After nine years with the Portman Shanghai Centre, Greg assumed the position of Vice-President, Asia Pacific for Joseph E. Seagram & Sons. In that role Greg was responsible for the marketing, sales and distribution of Seagram’s international brands throughout China. He was also responsible for coaching and developing Chinese leaders within the Seagram organization, and many of his protégés are now senior managers and leaders in the beverages industry in Asia.
在波特曼•上海商城 工作了九年后,魏老师成为了Joseph E. Seagram and Sons, Inc.的亚太区副总裁。在职期间,他主要负责了中国地区的市场、销售以及Seagram产品的分销。同时,他的职责也包括了中国领导人在Seagram中的发展事宜。现在,许多他的学徒都已经成为了公司中国地区饮料行业中的高级经理人。
Fluent in Mandarin Chinese, Greg began his Chinese studies in 1968and later studied Chinese at the prestigious Stanford University Language Center at National Taiwan University in 1975. He also holds a Master of International Management degree from the Thunderbird School of Global Management.
Greg has extensive global business experience in China, Japan, India, Europe and Latin America. He is a certified practitioner and facilitator of Berlitz TMC’s Cultural Orientation Approach (COA), the Global Mindset Inventory (GMI), developed by the Najafi Global Mindset Institute at the Thunderbird School of Global Management, and Belbin Team Roles.
魏老师还是Culture Orientations Approach (COA) 文化敏锐度 及Global Mindset Inventory (GMI)官方认证的咨询师,这一机构是由雷鸟国际工商管理学院的纳杰菲全球思维研究所发展建立的。魏老师同时也是贝尔宾 团队角色 授证催化师。
The GMI is a premier assessment tool to help determine a global leader’s ability to be better prepared for the opportunities, risks and challenges that come from working across cultures in a globalized business market. The Belbin Team Role Assessment is the Gold Standard in measuring team leadership and performance. It combines elements of self-assessment, 360-degree assessment and team effectiveness assessment in one single assessment system.
GMI是一个专业先进的评估工具,用于评估在全球化业务市场中,有着各种文化背景的领导人面对机遇与挑战的能力。贝尔宾 是全球受公认的团队领导力测评工具,是一份能为个人、360度 及 团队协作能力的一体化测评工具。
Greg is also accredited with Harrison Assessments, a leadership and talent assessment tool which measures 175 behavioral traits and employment engagement factors.
此外,魏老师也是Harrion与Lumina Spark的认证咨询师,以及世界企业教练协会(WABC)的会员。Harrion测评是一项用于领导力以及人才发展的测评工具,它的测评内容包含有175项行为特征与员工激励因素。Lumina Spark同样是一款全新而专业的发展和评估工具,适用于领导力、销售、团队等诸多方向。

Registration 报名渠道:
e-mail: ethan@directions-consulting.com