Mastering Sales for Industry 4.0 – 2 Days (English with bilingual notes)
工业4.0的卓越销售技巧–– 2天(英语培训,双语教材)


Date 日期: 27-28 Jun 2016  2016年 6月 27-28日

Time  时间: 09:00 - 17:00 hrs

Venue  地点: 951 Shilong Road Meitong Creative Center Room 502 (near Shanghai South Railway Station), Shanghai
   上海徐汇区石龙路951号美通 科创空间502室 - 靠近上海南站

While companies are gearing up for Industry 4.0, most customers (esp. but NOT limited to Purchasing Managers) are either unclear how Industry 4.0 solutions will benefit them, and some are still buying piecemeal products instead of a solution that could bring greater value and benefits.
尽 管现在又很多企业都在为他们客 户其工业4.0的设备,但有很 多客户(尤其但是不仅限于采购 经理)至今还不是特别清楚他们 该如何通过工业4.0的设备与 方案获得益处。他们甚至哈在购 买零星的产品,而不是通过配套 方案而获得更多的价值及益处

Hence, a new breed of sales people equipped with new skillsets would be required to help them gain greater buy-in and influence customers at different levels to buy into the Industry 4.0 solutions.
因此,若要推行工业4.0,许 多企业需要打造一支拥有全新的 技能的崭新销售团队,以获 得客户的认同并 在不同客户 层面引导客户。

This training shall equip sales people with in-depth strategies and insights, so as to be able to hold crucial conversations with customers regarding Industry 4.0
此培训将协助销售人员获得深层 的销售战略及客户见解,已让他们能够与客户针对工业4.0进行关键性的对话。

Training Outline  课程大纲:
Day 1:

Understanding the Solution Buying Process from the customer’s point of view

  • Why only 7% of the highest-priced bids are awarded the deal, yet ONLY 4% of the lowest-priced bids eventually win the deal 

    为什么虽然仅有7%的最高报价 的竞标者获得最后订单,但报价 最低最终赢标者仅占4%?
  • Why 48% of the technically superior bid ended up losing 

    为什么48%的在技术上堪称性 价比极优的投标书最后都以落败 告终
  • Why you need to build relationship with prospects BEFORE they request for proposal (RFP), and how you can do so ethically and effectively 

    为什么你需要在客户招标之前就 需要与客户建立关系与交情?
Targeting the right kinds of strategic customers   找寻合适的目标战略客户:
  • Targeting the right kinds of customers BEFORE their RFP  to do your pre-sales

    在客户招标(RFP)之前,你 该针对哪些目标客户进行前期销 售
  • How to influence customers prior to the RFP  

    如何在客户招标(RFP)之前 影响他们
  • Exercise: Customer Attitude Matrix
   活动:客户态度矩 阵   
Qualifying the right opportunities  筛选合适的销售契机:
  • Defining what are your criteria for qualifying the right opportunities 
    拟定你筛选合适销售契机的全方 位标准
  • Evaluating past and present opportunities 
    针对过去与现在的销售契机进行 和湿度评估
  • Key questions to ask at the Qualifying stage    筛选阶段所需要提出的问题
  • Exercise: Qualifying the right opportunities   活动:筛选合适的契机
Discovering needs, goals and challenges
  • How to build trust with customer  如何与客户简历互信
  • Questioning techniques to uncover customers’ needs, goals and challenges 
    挖掘客户需求、目的及挑战的提 问技巧
  • Exercise: Making a list of questions that will make customers give meaningful answers

    活动:拟定一串能够使客户提供 有意义的答复的提问
  • Role Play: Discovering customer’s needs, goals and challenges

    演练:发掘客户的需求、目的与 挑战
Day 2:

Identifying the Key Influencers and Decision Makers  了解谁是决策者及主要影响者:
  • Who are the Decision Makers and Key Influencers? 
    客户的决策者和主要影响者是哪 些人?
  • Who are the Key Influencers outside the company? 
    在客户单位之外还有哪些影响 者?
  • Are the Key Influencers supporting or against you?  主要的影响者是支持你还是反对你?
  • Exercise: Mapping the key influencers in a sales opportunity

    活动:理出销售契机中的主要影 响者

Differentiating the Hot Buttons客户热点进行差异化:
  • What are the “Hot Buttons” in this opportunity?

  • How do you compare yourself with your competitors in addressing these “Hot Buttons”?

    你跟竞争对手在满足这些 “热点” 的对比
  • Mapping your next steps
  • Exercise: Seller comparison matrix

Closing  销售结尾:
  • Handling questions, concerns and objections

    如何处理客户的质疑、疑虑与异 议
  • How to turn down requests for kick-backs but still win the sale

  • Closing the sale  销售结尾
  • Role Play: Handling questions, concerns and objections 
    演练:如何处理客户的质疑、疑 虑与异议

Managing your pipeline  管理销售管道:
  • Analysing your sales pipeline  分析你的销售管道
  • Separating customers from opportunities in your pipeline

  • Wide vs. narrow pipelines   宽 vs 窄管道
  • Monitoring of any opportunity that get stuck at any stage in the pipeline 

    监测是否有任何契机在管道中的 任何阶段停滞不前
  • Addressing opportunities that are stuck in the pipeline

    针对停滞不前的契机进行问题解 决
Who should attend? 谁该出席
  • Industrial sales and sales support engineers
    工业销售 及销售支持工程师
  • Sales managers and directors
  • Sales training managers
    销售培训 经理

About the Trainer  讲师介 绍:

c.j. Ng is the Master Trainer for Leadership IQ in Asia who has helped international companies achieve quantum improvements in sales profits in China and beyond. c.j. is the first and only China-based leadership, sales & experiential learning facilitator invited to speak at the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) International Convention. He has consulted for and trained the staff and managers of well-known companies such as Delphi Packard, Alcoa Wheels, Evonik, BMW and Schneider Electric

黄常 捷 (c.j. Ng)是美国培训与发展协会 (ASTD)2009年国际大 会的特邀演讲嘉宾,也是 ASTD国际大会有史以来唯一 受邀演讲的结合销售、领导力及 体验式培训于一身的亚洲咨询 师。他是一位值 得您信赖的销售领域的咨询顾问,曾帮助许多跨国企业获得了 在中国及其他区域销售业绩方面 的显著突破。迄今为 止,c.j.已帮助:世界领先 的制造企业如 美铝轮 毂泰科  及 莱尼电缆 的销售团队如何提高他们的业 绩;国际化工集团如赢创林 德工程 空 气化工 提高其团队 的领导力和销售能力。全球企业 佼佼者 如 施 耐德德尔福宝 马的经理提升领导力及 各 项领导技能,以提高团队的作战 能力等

Fee  费用  :
RMB 5,500 per person  每人 人民币 5,500 元整
RMB 4,800 per person if 2 or more persons from the same company attend
每人 4,800元整 (若同家企业2或以上人员报名)

Register  报名  :

Tel: 021-62190021

Web Site: Directions Consulting 方相咨询 WeChat Account: 方相咨询

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