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上海 2012•09•21
How to Develop Regional Sales Teams to Increase Results and Improve Retention


  • 中国大区销售团队正面临哪些前所未有的销售挑战,并该做那些调整以便克服
    What are the unprecedented  key challenges that regional sales teams are facing today, and what competencies should sales people have 
  • 如何拟定一套长期性能够优化大区销售团队作战能力的培训与发展计划
    What are key elements to formulate an effective regional development strategy beyond the short term
  • 亚太区域有哪些大区销售团队的培养的趋势,及其对企业、销售领导及HR的影响
    What are the growing trends in regional sales teams development in this region, and what are the implications for companies, business leaders and HR
  • 为什么许多销售团队参加了无数次的销售培训,却效果不明显
    Why there are no significant positive changes in many sales teams even after attending so many sales trainings
  • 如何确保销售人员学以致用,并且提升他们的忠诚度
    How do we ensure that the sales people apply what they learn and continue to stay in the organisation


CJNg _ 2.jpg

Alex 周迎骏老师是一家泛亚洲咨询公司的首席顾问。他的专长在于通过行动学习、团队绩效及跨文化协助亚洲区域的员工及高管提升工作绩效。 在过去5年里, 周老师 为数家企业的各层领导设计、实施销售团队发展、合资企业管理、高层行动学习、团队凝聚力  等...

Alex Chow is the chief consultant at a pan-Asian executive development consultancy  specializes on designing executive development with action learning, team performance and cross-culture intelligence within the Asian context. For the past years, Alex has designed projects with senior management and executives in Asia involving: sales force development, joint venture management, executive action learning, team performance, diversity and inclusion.

CJNg _ 2.jpgc.j. 老师是 美国培训与发展协会 (ASTD) 2009 年国际大会的特邀演讲嘉宾,也是ASTD国际大会有史以来唯一受邀演讲的亚洲 销售、领导力及体验式培训咨询师。

与此同时,许多知名跨国公司如:IBM、BMW、PwC、联合利华、爱普森、贺力士、空气化工、中国电信、德州仪器、中外运、TNT、开利空调、杰尼亚、施华诺世奇、罗氏制药、施贵宝、平安保险、香港贸发局等也颇受益于 c.j.的经验和知识……

c.j. is the Master Trainer for Leadership IQ in Asia who have helped international companies achieve quantum improvements in sales profits in China and beyond. c.j. is the 1st and only China-based leadership, sales & experiential learning facilitator invited to speak at the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) International Convention....

Organised by:


日期:   上海: 2012年9月21日

14:00 - 17:00 hrs

上海欧爱喜商务服务中心三楼  • Wood会议室(太仓路58 • 靠新天地
Oasis Boutique Offices
• Xintiandi • 58 Taicang Road • Level 3 • Wood Room
费用:   上海  RMB 500/=


,学员人数仅限 15 人。请将您
的报名信息 e-mail 至
或拨打 (86) 400-677-6093

若您有内训需求,请联系周小姐 alice@directions-consulting.com 。 

To make this a more conducive discussion, we are expecting a small group of about 15 people only  Please e-mail your registrations to alice@directions-consulting.com

If you need us to customise inhouse programmes for you, please contact (86) 400-677-6093 to arrange for an appointment to discuss further.

Who Should Attend?

  • 人力发展资源总监、培训总监  HRD and Training Directors
  • 销售总监、经理
    Sales Directors and Managers


Clients include:

GE 塑料、液体空气、赢创(德固赛)、联合利华、欧莱雅、可口可乐、李宁、阿斯利康、 三菱电机、洲际酒店集团、等


Additional Resources


  1. 如何辅导销售人员

  2. 使用六顶思考帽分析培训需求

  3. 孙子兵法 之 销售团队管理


Food for Thought:



—— Huthwaite

"87% of what is learnt in a sales training session will be lost after 1 month upon completion of the training"



Mailing Address: Shui Cheng Nan Road 51 Lane No. 9 Suite 202 Shanghai 201103 China