How to Win Your Employees' Hearts and Minds through EQ
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 上海 2016 • 8  • 4

Winning Your Employees' Hearts and Minds through EQ


The Key to Motivating your Staff and Improving Engagement is through Effective Application of EQ

When effectively applied, not only will EQ improve work productivity, it will also hel unleash hidden potential that your employees might have

This "Influencing through EQ" workshop seeks to help managers understand their own emotions, and to be able to maintain positive emotions.

Based on this foundation, "Influencing through EQ"  then helps managers to leverage on high EQ skills to set team goals, improve productivity and resolve potential team conflicts.  It will allow managers to forge long-tem partnering relationships with their teams.

Key Outline  主要内容::

  • 超低敬业度到底该向谁问责
    Who is responsible when Engagement Levels are low?:
    • 敬业度对个人和企业的价值
      The value of Engagement to the company and the employee
    • 盖洛普Q12的EQ双向解读
      Aligning the applications of EQ with the Gallup Q12
    • 管理者和员工各自的责任
      The responsibilities of managers and employees
  • 高EQ如何有效推动敬业度并极力员工:
    How High EQ improves engagement levels and motivates staff :
    • 鳄鱼河:换位思考真的好难
      Crocodile River: why it is very challenging to think from someone else's point-of-view
    • “管理者 PK 新生代”引发的思考
      Managers vs. Millennials: practical ways to improve the relationships
    • 情绪点燃积极性,情商推动敬业度
      While emotions ignite passion and enthusiasm, EQ drives engagement
    • Q&A:那些令人困扰的职场烦心事儿
      Q&A: Resolving work place conflicts, headaches and heartbreaks

CJNg _ 2.jpg关于演讲嘉宾: 王萍
Linda Wang

  • 贝尔宾团队角色认证顾问
    Certified Consultant of BELBIN

  • 埃里克森教练认证课程毕业
    Graduated from Certification Program of Erickson Coaching

  • 英国专业管理工会认证注册培训师  International Professional Trainer Certified by IPMA

她无时不刻地将学员的收获和企业的收益放在第一要素,在逾八年的职业培训师生涯中,不 断地将管理、沟通、营销和客服方面的经验结合到教学之中,成为结合实战和理论的专业培训师。
With more than eight years of vocational training experience, Linda successfully combines management, marketing and customer service experience into her courses.

作为职场EQ系列课程的创始人,她致力于为企业解决因人际冲突而产生的诸多问 题,尤其在情绪管理、客服、销售和领导力等方面,帮助企业管理者因情商的提高而获得更好的职业发展和圆融的人际关系。
As the founder of workplace EQ series courses, she is committed to provide solutions to problems occurred from interpersonal conflicts, especially in the emotional management, customer service, sales skills and leadership, to help enterprise managers to get better career development and harmony of interpersonal relationship because of increased EQ.

With a humorous training style and the consistent high recognition by trainees, she is good at finding the potential advantages of trainees, perceptively identifying the key improvements to assist them to a higher breakthrough.


DATE:   2016 • 8 • 4
TIME:   14:00 - 17:00 hrs
Crowne Plaza Shanghai  •  Level 2  • Oscar Room • 400 Panyu Road (by Fahuazhen Road)
上海银星皇冠酒店 • 二楼  • 奥斯卡厅(番禺路400号,靠法华镇路)
FEE:   RMB 300/= ONLY!


为了让这次培训达到更好的效果,学员人数仅限 15 人。请将您的报名信息 e-mail 至
(86) 021-6219 0021 咨询

If you need us to customise in-house programmes for you, please contact (86) 021-6219 0021 to arrange for an appointment to discuss further.

谁该参加  For whom?

  • 中、高层经理与领导 
    Middle-to-Senior Leaders and Managers 

  • 高潜力员工  High-Potential Talents 

  • 学习与发展人员
    Learning and Development Professionals

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