ISM China Annual Global Supply Management Conference - 2012年10月21日 星期日 - 上海浦东盛高假日酒店 - 浦东新区秀沿路1088号
ISM China Annual Global Supply Management Conference
Sunday, October 21, 2012
上海浦东盛高假日酒店 - 浦东新区秀沿路1088号
供应管理学会中国区2012年度供应管理大会 ISM China Annual Global Supply Management Conference 2012, Shanghai

应对不断恶化的经济环境 Responding to a deteriorating Economic Environment

  • What problem is China economy facing?  How do they affect exchange rate, commodity price and our supply chain?
  • What are global companies’ strategic for the current situation, and where are the opportunities? 
  • What are some of the best practices for better positioning under the tough environment? 
  • With reverse globalization, what’s China’s prospective beyond cost in the new order of supply chain?   
  • What is the job market look like and what skills are in hot demand for our profession
Please join 400 other supply management  professionals in purchasing/sourcing, finance, planning, logistics and supply chain like yourself for this exciting annual event, build your network, reunion with other peers, see what’s in our senior leader’s mind, learn and interact with the high profile speakers in our 2012 Annual Global Supply Management Conference.

Keynote Speech:

The Liquidity Trap China Facing-The Econonic Reality & Implications
Jerry Lou, Managing Director & Chief Strategy Officer, Morgan Stanley  
娄刚  摩根士丹利董事总经理,首席策略官

Procurement & Supply Chain Challenges in Energy Industry
Richard Hookway, CFO, BP
Conference Program 大会议程
2012年10月21日,  上海浦东盛高假日酒店
October 21, 2012,  Shanghai  Holiday Inn Pudong Kangqiao


第一部分PART I   宏观与战略视野
                              Macro & Strategic Perspectives

08:15 - 08:50        签到,认识交流,早咖啡招待
                              Registration, networking and exhibition morning coffee

08:50 - 09:00        开幕欢迎词  – ISM China理事会主席周雷蒙
                              Opening speech – Raymond Chou

09:00 - 09:50        经济主题演讲:中国面临的流动性陷阱--经济实况,预测与影响 ,摩根士丹利董事总经理,首席策略官 娄刚 
                              Keynote : The Liquidity Trap China Facing – The Economic Reality & Implications 

                              Jerry Lou, Managing Director & Chief Strategist, Morgan Stanley 

09:50 - 10:00        漳州的行业战略优势-福建省漳州市
                              Zhangzhou Industrial Advantage

10:00 - 10:10        包装创新的供应链价值影响--UPP CEO 王新刚

                              Packaging Innovation for supply chain value-- Richard Wang, CEO, UPP

10:10 - 10:20        茶歇Break

10:20 - 11:10        管理主题演讲:能源行业的采购与供应链挑战,碧辟高级副总裁,下游业务总财务官 理查.胡克伟  
                              Keynote:  Procurement & Supply Chain Challenges in Energy Industry

                              Richard Hookway, SVP & CFO, BP Refining & Marketing

11:10 - 12:00        嘉宾访谈头脑风暴,主持人: 禹衫资本合伙人 黄文华

                              Panel Discussion “Economy & Opportunities", Moderated by Wayne Huang, Partner, Shan Capital


                              娄刚 Jerry Lou, Chief Strategiest, Morgan Stanley 

                              理查.胡克伟 Richard Hookway, SVP & CFO, BP Refining & Marketing

                              Sean Wu, VP, APAC Supply Chain, Eaton Corporation 

12:00 - 13:10        午餐Buffet Lunch

第二部分PART II 在全球下滑周期环境中的管理技巧巧
                              Managing in a Global Declining Cycle


13:10 - 13:50        超越成本:中国的新出路  – 新沣集团执行董事 何挺博士士
                              Keynote: Beyond Cost -- Finding a New Way forward in China

                              Dr. Ting Ho, Managing Director, Symphony Grou

13:50 - 14:00        MRO 服务模式,创造价值的新讨论--田柏忠

14:00 - 14:40         全球供应链的风险管理 –  AT Kearney中国区创始合伙人 张天兵
                              Managing risks in Global Supply Chain, Tian Bing Zhang, Partner, AT Kearney

                              Panel discussion -- Moderated by Jacky Wang, VP, Alibaba

                              嘉宾 Panelists:

                              何挺 Ting Ho, Managing Director, Symphony Group

                              张天兵 Tian Bing Zhang, Partner, AT Kearney

                              王新刚 Richard Wang, CEO, UPP

                              田柏忠 Richard Tien, CEO, Richland

                              朱晓峰, 久立集团副总经理

15:10 - 15:20        中国镍合金的高端市场供应 -- 久立集团副总裁,朱晓峰

                              Chinese Nickel Alloy Supply for High End Manufacturing, Xiaofeng Zhu, Vice GM, Jiuli Group

15:20 - 15:30        茶歇Break, networking

第三部分 PART III 个人的专业与职业发展  Professional & Career Development

15:30 - 15:40        热点才华:如何发展自身的职业价值- Atomic 董事总经理 胡应全

                              Talent Management & Career Value Development- Jeff Hu, Director, Atomic

15:40 - 16:10        多元化:培养女性领导力  – 塔吉特公司全球采购总监Nicole Yi
                              Diversity: Fostering Women leadership – Nicole Yi, Global Sourcing Director, Target

16:10 - 16:50        嘉宾访谈头脑风暴,主持人:青年成就中国区副总裁骆莺

                              Panel discussions – Moderated by Isa Luo, VP, Junior Achievement


                              王志谦,法国液空亚太区采购副总裁 Gigi Laplume, VP Asia Procurement, Air Liquide

                              钟艳 Jasmine Zhong, 阿斯利康 CFO AstraZeneca

                              何辉, 零导力创始人 Helen He, Founder, Leadership Styles

                              胡应全Jeff Hu, Managing Director, Atomic

                              伊琨 Nicole Yi, Global Sourcing Director, Target

16:50 - 17:00        大会总结与闭幕词:ISM China理事长:卫劼 
                              Conference closing remark – Tony Wai, President, ISM China

有任何疑问,请打电话咨询:021-58209123 或手机13761673786(Louisa Liao)

For any questions, please call us at 021-58209123 or cell phone 13761673786 (Louisa Liao)

When & Where
上海浦东盛高假日酒店 - 浦东新区秀沿路1088号

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Hosted By


Categoryy   End Price Quantity
Member ticket   2012-10-20 ¥500
ISM China Member Price
Non-member ticket   2012-10-20 ¥600
If you are not an ISM China Member, please buy this ticket.
Global Membership & Conference registration bundle   2012-10-20 ¥1,350
Local Membership & Conference registration Bundle   2012-10-20 ¥700
You can become a local member and have a conference ticket.
Full time student ticket   2012-10-20 ¥200
Discounted conference registration for full time student, Buffet lunch not included. Student ID and proof of current full time student status will be required at sign-in.
Members registering for conference using IB   2012-10-20 Free
You must have at least 50 IB, or be a VIP member to register using this process. By registering, you agree to deduct 50 IB from your members record. To purchase more IB, please go to:
Reserve a seat only and pay at the door   2012-10-21 Free
Pay at the door is 700/person cash only. 现场付费只收现金每人700元,胸牌会为你准备好
Subtotal: 0
Event online registration, ticketing, promotion, and payment platform