EQ Workshop:
Achieving Emotional Dexterity for Highly Effective Leaders
培训: 高效领导的情商灵敏度

with Directions Consulting, Nov 18th 2016 from 14:00 hrs - 17:00 hrs.


  • Understanding Emotional Intelligence 情感智力介绍
  • The 1st Agility: Being Self-Aware 第一种敏锐度:自我意识
    • Your Emotional Sparks vs Your Emotional Reactors 你的内在情感和情感反应
    • Understanding Your Three Personas 了解你的三种状态
    • Understanding Stress Triggers 了解你的压力触发器
  • The 2nd Agility: Being Aware of Others 第二种敏锐度:了解他人
    • Speed reading others 快速了解他人
    • Tuning up and down 调整表达
  • The 3rd Agility: Managing Emotions 第三种敏锐度:情绪管理
    • Group Discussion: describe a situation where you had a heated argument 小组讨论:描述一个你不喜欢的场景
    • Processing your emotions 处理你的情绪
    • Flexing your emotional responses 改变你的情绪反应
  • The 4th Agility: Taking Meaningful Action 第四种敏锐度:采取有意义的行动 ; 

For whom?

All middle-above managers who need to build stronger interpersonal rapport and greater personal effectiveness at work. 所有需要建立更强大的人际交往关系,并提高工作有效性的企业中高层管理者


ONLY RMB 300/= per person  没人仅人民币300元

Date:  Nov 18th from 14:00 - 17:00 hrs

Venue: Kulzer Dental Training Academy HKCN Training Centre, No. 1585, Gumei Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai
徐汇区古美路1585号 古莎齿科 亚洲培训中心

About the Facilitator  讲师介绍:

Greg Whitehorn is a Global Executive Coach and Leadership Development Consultant withover 30 years of global management experience. He was the Deputy Director of International Development for Portman Properties, and in that role, participated in the early negotiations and development of the Portman Shanghai Centre project.

During the development phase, Greg interfaced with key government leaders including Mayors Wang Daohan, Jiang Zemin and Zhu Rongji. He later became the Deputy General Manager of Shanghai Centre where he was involved in the administration and human resource development of the Centre’s Chinese staff. He was also the key contact with Shanghai Centre’s Chinese partner and relevant government agencies and bureaus.

After nine years with the Portman Shanghai Centre Greg assumed the position of Vice-President, Asia Pacific for Joseph E. Seagram & Sons. In that role Greg was responsible for the marketing, sales and distribution of Seagram products throughout China. He was also responsible for developing Chinese leaders within the Seagram organization, and many of his protégés are now senior managers and leaders in the beverages industry in China.

Fluent in Mandarin Chinese, Greg studied Chinese at the prestigious Stanford University Language Centre at National Taiwan University in 1975. He also holds a Master of International Management degree from the Thunderbird School of Global Management.

Greg has extensive global business experience in China, Japan, India, Europe and Latin America. He is a certified practitioner and facilitator of the Cultural Orientation Approach (COA), the Global Mindset Inventory (GMI), developed by the Najafi Global Mindset Institute at the Thunderbird School of Global Management, and Belbin Team Roles. He is also a Lumina Learning Practitioner certified in Lumina Spark, Lumina Emotion, Lumina Team, Lumina Leadership and Lumina sales.

Additionally, Greg is accredited with Harrison Assessments, a leadership and talent assessment tool, which measures 175 behavioural traits and employment engagement factors. Greg has worked with individual leaders and/or teams from many global companies such as Amazon, Nike, Fiat-Chrysler, Delphi, Pepsi, S.C. Johnson, Johnson & Johnson, GlaxoSmithKline, Corning, Boeing, Phillips, General Electric, Proctor & Gamble, Air Liquide, British Petroleum and Caterpillar. He is a member of the Worldwide Association of Business Coaches (WABC).

魏国礼老师是一位专注于高层教练和领导力领域的高级顾问,他在全球化管理领域有三十多年的经验。他曾是波特曼国际发展部的副部长,主要负责 《波特曼•上海商城》 计划的谈判及发展事宜。


在波特曼•上海商城 工作了九年后,魏老师成为了Joseph E. Seagram and Sons, Inc.的亚太区副总裁。在职期间,他主要负责了中国地区的市场、销售以及Seagram产品的分销。同时,他的职责也包括了中国领导人在Seagram中的发展事宜。现在,许多他的学徒都已经成为了公司中国地区饮料行业中的高级经理人。


魏老师还是Culture Orientations Approach (COA) 文化敏锐度 及Global Mindset Inventory (GMI)官方认证的咨询师,这一机构是由雷鸟国际工商管理学院的纳杰菲全球思维研究所发展建立的。GMI是一个专业先进的评估工具,用于评估在全球化业务市场中,有着各种文化背景的领导人面对机遇与挑战的能力。

魏老师同时也是贝尔宾 团队角色 授证催化师。贝尔宾 是全球受公认的团队领导力测评工具,是一份能为个人、360度 及 团队协作能力的一体化测评工具。 此外,魏老师也是Harrison的认证咨询师,以及世界企业教练协会(WABC)的会员。Harrison测评是一项用于领导力以及人才发展的测评工具,它的测评内容包含有175项行为特征与员工激励因素。 魏老师也是第一批Lumina认证的老师,Lumina同样是一款全新而专业的发展和评估工具,适用于个人发展、领导力、情商、销售、团队等诸多方向。 魏老师现处于半退休状态,大部分的时间都用于为下一代商业领导人分享其在亚洲(尤其是中国)地区的丰富的领导和管理经验。 魏老师的客户有亚马逊,耐克,菲亚特 - 克莱斯勒,德尔福,百事可乐,庄臣公司,强生,葛兰素史克,康宁公司,波音公司,飞利浦,通用电气,宝洁,液化空气集团,英国石油和卡特彼勒等。

Additional Resources

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Register  报名  :

To make this a more conducive discussion, we are expecting a small group of about 15 people only

e-mail: ethan@directions-consulting.com
Tel: 021-62190021

If you need us to customise inhouse programmes for you, please contact (86) 21-6219 0021 to arrange for an appointment to discuss further.

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